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(chore) Update translations from Transifex (#1087)
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Co-authored-by: OpenMRS Bot <>
Co-authored-by: Ian <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Apr 10, 2024
1 parent 15c9d7c commit e065bec
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Showing 16 changed files with 16 additions and 216 deletions.
28 changes: 1 addition & 27 deletions packages/esm-appointments-app/translations/am.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,28 +3,21 @@
"actions": "Actions",
"add": "Add",
"addAppointment": "Add Appointment",
"addNewAppointment": "Add new appointment",
"addPatientToQueue": "Add patient to queue",
"age": "Age",
"all": "All",
"allDay": "All day",
"appointment": "appointment",
"appointmentCancelError": "Error cancelling appointment",
"appointmentCancelled": "Appointment cancelled",
"appointmentCancelledSuccessfully": "Appointment cancelled successfully",
"appointmentCheckedIn": "Appointment Checked-in",
"appointmentCheckInError": "Error checking in appointment",
"appointmentColor": "Appointment color",
"appointmentEdited": "Appointment edited",
"appointmentEditError": "Error editing appointment",
"appointmentForm": "Create Appointment",
"appointmentFormError": "Error scheduling appointment",
"appointmentHistory": "Appointment History",
"appointmentMarkedAsMissed": "It has been successfully marked as Missed",
"appointmentMetrics": "Appointment metrics",
"appointmentMetricsLoadError": "",
"appointmentMissed": "Appointment Missed",
"appointmentMissedError": "Error marking appointment as Missed",
"appointmentNoteLabel": "Write an additional note",
"appointmentNotePlaceholder": "Write any additional points here",
"appointmentNotes": "Appointment Notes",
Expand All @@ -36,7 +29,6 @@
"appointmentServiceCreate": "Appointment service created successfully",
"appointmentServiceName": "Appointment service name",
"appointmentStatus": "Appointment status",
"appointmentSuccessfullyCheckedIn": "It has been checked-in successfully",
"appointmentToFulfill": "Select appointment(s) to fulfill",
"appointmentType": "Appointment type",
"appointmentType_title": "Appointment Type",
Expand All @@ -47,26 +39,19 @@
"cancelAppointment": "Cancel Appointment",
"cancelAppointmentModalConfirmationText": "Are you sure you want to cancel this appointment?",
"cancelled": "Cancelled",
"cancelledSuccessfully": "It has been cancelled successfully",
"checkedIn": "Checked in",
"checkedOut": "Checked out",
"checkFilters": "Check the filters above",
"checkIn": "Check In",
"checkInAppointment": "Are you sure you want to mark appointment as Checked-in?",
"checkinTime": "Check-in time",
"checkOut": "Check out",
"chooseAppointmentType": "Choose appointment type",
"chooseLocation": "Choose a location",
"chooseProvider": "Choose a provider",
"chooseService": "Select service",
"complete": "Complete",
"completed": "Completed",
"createAppointment": "Create appointment",
"createAppointmentService": "Create appointment service",
"createNewAppointment": "Create new appointment",
"date": "Date",
"date&Time": "Date & time",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"dateAndTimeOfVisit": "Date and time of visit",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"dateTime": "Date & Time",
Expand All @@ -84,8 +69,6 @@
"encounterType": "Encounter type",
"endDate": "End date",
"endTime": "End Time",
"errorCancellingAppointment": "Error cancelling the appointment",
"errorCheckingAppoitment": "Error checking in the appointment",
"errorCreatingAppointmentService": "Error creating appointment service",
"expected": "Expected",
"gender": "Gender",
Expand All @@ -100,10 +83,7 @@
"medications": "Medications",
"missed": "Missed",
"missingVisitType": "Missing visit type",
"name": "Patient Name",
"no": "No",
"noAppointmentsScheduledForTodayToDisplay": "There are no appointments scheduled for today to display for this location",
"noAppointmentsToDisplay": "No appointments to display",
"noContent": "No Content",
"noCurrentAppointments": "There are no appointments scheduled for today to display for this patient",
"noEncountersFound": "No encounters found",
Expand All @@ -115,7 +95,6 @@
"notes": "Notes",
"noUpcomingAppointments": "No upcoming appointments found",
"noUpcomingAppointmentsForPatient": "There are no upcoming appointments to display for this patient",
"or": "or",
"past": "Past",
"patientDetails": "Patient details",
"patientName": "Patient name",
Expand All @@ -127,17 +106,14 @@
"providersBooked": "Providers booked: {{time}}",
"queueAddedSuccessfully": "",
"queueEntryError": "Error adding patient to the queue",
"reasonForChanges": "Reason For Changes",
"recurringAppointment": "Recurring Appointment",
"repeatEvery": "Repeat every",
"revertingAppointmentStatus": "Reverting appointment status",
"save": "Save",
"saveAndClose": "Save and close",
"scheduled": "Scheduled",
"scheduledAppointments": "Scheduled appointments",
"search": "Search",
"searchForAVisitType": "Search for a visit type",
"seeAllAppointments": "See all appointments",
"selectAppointmentStatus": "Select status",
"selectAppointmentType": "Select an appointment type",
"selectFacility": "Select a facility",
Expand All @@ -155,16 +131,14 @@
"startVisitError": "Error starting visit",
"time": "Time",
"today": "Today",
"todaysAppointments": "Today's Appointments",
"todays": "Today's",
"total": "Total",
"undo": "Undo",
"unscheduled": "Unscheduled",
"unscheduledAppointments": "Unscheduled appointments",
"unscheduledAppointments_lower": "unscheduled appointments",
"upcoming": "Upcoming",
"upcomingAppointments": "Upcoming appointments",
"view": "View",
"viewCalendar": "View Calendar",
"visitLocation": "Visit Location",
"visitStarted": "Visit started",
"visitType": "Visit Type",
Expand Down
28 changes: 1 addition & 27 deletions packages/esm-appointments-app/translations/ar.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,28 +3,21 @@
"actions": "الإجراءات",
"add": "إضافة",
"addAppointment": "Add Appointment",
"addNewAppointment": "إضافة موعد جديد",
"addPatientToQueue": "أضف المريض إلى الطابور",
"age": "العمر",
"all": "الكل",
"allDay": "All day",
"appointment": "appointment",
"appointmentCancelError": "خطأ في إلغاء الموعد",
"appointmentCancelled": "تم إلغاء الموعد",
"appointmentCancelledSuccessfully": "تم إلغاء الموعد بنجاح",
"appointmentCheckedIn": "تم تسجيل الوصول للموعد",
"appointmentCheckInError": "خطأ في تسجيل الوصول للموعد",
"appointmentColor": "لون الموعد",
"appointmentEdited": "Appointment edited",
"appointmentEditError": "Error editing appointment",
"appointmentForm": "إنشاء موعد",
"appointmentFormError": "خطأ في جدولة الموعد",
"appointmentHistory": "تاريخ الموعد",
"appointmentMarkedAsMissed": "تم وضع علامة كفائت",
"appointmentMetrics": "مقاييس الموعد",
"appointmentMetricsLoadError": "",
"appointmentMissed": "فات الموعد",
"appointmentMissedError": "خطأ في وضع علامة فائت على الموعد",
"appointmentNoteLabel": "Write an additional note",
"appointmentNotePlaceholder": "Write any additional points here",
"appointmentNotes": "ملاحظات الموعد",
Expand All @@ -36,7 +29,6 @@
"appointmentServiceCreate": "تم إنشاء خدمة الموعد بنجاح",
"appointmentServiceName": "اسم خدمة الموعد",
"appointmentStatus": "Appointment status",
"appointmentSuccessfullyCheckedIn": "تم تسجيل الوصول بنجاح",
"appointmentToFulfill": "حدد الموعد/المواعيد لتنفيذه",
"appointmentType": "نوع الموعد",
"appointmentType_title": "نوع الموعد",
Expand All @@ -47,26 +39,19 @@
"cancelAppointment": "إلغاء الموعد",
"cancelAppointmentModalConfirmationText": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إلغاء هذا الموعد؟",
"cancelled": "تم الإلغاء",
"cancelledSuccessfully": "It has been cancelled successfully",
"checkedIn": "تم تسجيل الوصول",
"checkedOut": "تم تسجيل الخروج",
"checkFilters": "تحقق من الفلاتر أعلاه",
"checkIn": "تسجيل الوصول",
"checkInAppointment": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد وضع علامة تسجيل الوصول للموعد؟",
"checkinTime": "وقت تسجيل الوصول",
"checkOut": "تسجيل الخروج",
"chooseAppointmentType": "Choose appointment type",
"chooseLocation": "Choose a location",
"chooseProvider": "Choose a provider",
"chooseService": "اختر الخدمة",
"complete": "اكتمال",
"completed": "مكتمل",
"createAppointment": "إنشاء موعد",
"createAppointmentService": "إنشاء خدمة موعد",
"createNewAppointment": "إنشاء موعد جديد",
"date": "تاريخ",
"date&Time": "Date & time",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"dateAndTimeOfVisit": "تاريخ ووقت الزيارة",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"dateTime": "Date & Time",
Expand All @@ -84,8 +69,6 @@
"encounterType": "نوع اللقاء",
"endDate": "End date",
"endTime": "وقت الانتهاء",
"errorCancellingAppointment": "Error cancelling the appointment",
"errorCheckingAppoitment": "Error checking in the appointment",
"errorCreatingAppointmentService": "Error creating appointment service",
"expected": "Expected",
"gender": "الجنس",
Expand All @@ -100,10 +83,7 @@
"medications": "الأدوية",
"missed": "فائت",
"missingVisitType": "نوع الزيارة مفقود",
"name": "اسم المريض",
"no": "لا",
"noAppointmentsScheduledForTodayToDisplay": "لا يوجد مواعيد مجدولة لليوم للعرض في هذا الموقع",
"noAppointmentsToDisplay": "لا مواعيد للعرض",
"noContent": "No Content",
"noCurrentAppointments": "لا توجد مواعيد مجدولة لهذا المريض اليوم",
"noEncountersFound": "لم يتم العثور على لقاءات",
Expand All @@ -115,7 +95,6 @@
"notes": "ملاحظات",
"noUpcomingAppointments": "لم يتم العثور على مواعيد قادمة",
"noUpcomingAppointmentsForPatient": "لا توجد مواعيد قادمة لعرضها لهذا المريض",
"or": "أو",
"past": "الماضي",
"patientDetails": "تفاصيل المريض",
"patientName": "اسم المريض",
Expand All @@ -127,17 +106,14 @@
"providersBooked": "Providers booked: {{time}}",
"queueAddedSuccessfully": "",
"queueEntryError": "خطأ في إضافة المريض إلى الطابور",
"reasonForChanges": "سبب التغييرات",
"recurringAppointment": "Recurring Appointment",
"repeatEvery": "Repeat every",
"revertingAppointmentStatus": "استعادة حالة الموعد",
"save": "حفظ",
"saveAndClose": "Save and close",
"scheduled": "مجدول",
"scheduledAppointments": "المواعيد المجدولة",
"search": "بحث",
"searchForAVisitType": "ابحث عن نوع الزيارة",
"seeAllAppointments": "عرض جميع المواعيد",
"selectAppointmentStatus": "اختر الحالة",
"selectAppointmentType": "اختر نوع الموعد",
"selectFacility": "اختر المنشأة",
Expand All @@ -155,16 +131,14 @@
"startVisitError": "خطأ في بدء الزيارة",
"time": "الوقت",
"today": "اليوم",
"todaysAppointments": "مواعيد اليوم",
"todays": "Today's",
"total": "المجموع",
"undo": "تراجع",
"unscheduled": "غير مجدول",
"unscheduledAppointments": "المواعيد غير المجدولة",
"unscheduledAppointments_lower": "مواعيد غير مجدولة",
"upcoming": "القادمة",
"upcomingAppointments": "المواعيد القادمة",
"view": "عرض",
"viewCalendar": "عرض التقويم",
"visitLocation": "موقع الزيارة",
"visitStarted": "بدأت الزيارة",
"visitType": "نوع الزيارة",
Expand Down
28 changes: 1 addition & 27 deletions packages/esm-appointments-app/translations/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,28 +3,21 @@
"actions": "Acciones",
"add": "Agregar",
"addAppointment": "Add Appointment",
"addNewAppointment": "Agregar nueva cita",
"addPatientToQueue": "Agregar paciente a la cola",
"age": "Edad",
"all": "Todo",
"allDay": "All day",
"appointment": "appointment",
"appointmentCancelError": "Error al cancelar la cita",
"appointmentCancelled": "Cita cancelada",
"appointmentCancelledSuccessfully": "Cita cancelada con éxito",
"appointmentCheckedIn": "Cita registrada",
"appointmentCheckInError": "Error al registrar la cita",
"appointmentColor": "Color de la cita",
"appointmentEdited": "Appointment edited",
"appointmentEditError": "Error editing appointment",
"appointmentForm": "Formulario de citas",
"appointmentFormError": "Error al programar la cita",
"appointmentHistory": "Historial de citas",
"appointmentMarkedAsMissed": "Se ha marcado correctamente como Perdida",
"appointmentMetrics": "Métricas de citas",
"appointmentMetricsLoadError": "",
"appointmentMissed": "Cita perdida",
"appointmentMissedError": "Error al marcar la cita como perdida",
"appointmentNoteLabel": "Write an additional note",
"appointmentNotePlaceholder": "Write any additional points here",
"appointmentNotes": "Notas de cita",
Expand All @@ -36,7 +29,6 @@
"appointmentServiceCreate": "Servicio de citas creado exitosamente",
"appointmentServiceName": "Nombre del servicio de citas",
"appointmentStatus": "Appointment status",
"appointmentSuccessfullyCheckedIn": "Se ha registrado correctamente",
"appointmentToFulfill": "Seleccionar cita(s) para cumplir",
"appointmentType": "Tipo de cita",
"appointmentType_title": "Tipo de cita",
Expand All @@ -47,26 +39,19 @@
"cancelAppointment": "Cancelar cita",
"cancelAppointmentModalConfirmationText": "¿Está seguro de que desea cancelar esta cita?",
"cancelled": "Cancelada",
"cancelledSuccessfully": "It has been cancelled successfully",
"checkedIn": "Checked in",
"checkedOut": "Completada",
"checkFilters": "Compruebe los filtros anteriores",
"checkIn": "Registrar",
"checkInAppointment": "¿Está seguro de que desea marcar la cita como registrada?",
"checkinTime": "Hora de registro",
"checkOut": "Finalizar",
"chooseAppointmentType": "Choose appointment type",
"chooseLocation": "Choose a location",
"chooseProvider": "Choose a provider",
"chooseService": "Seleccionar servicio",
"complete": "Completar",
"completed": "Completado",
"createAppointment": "Crear cita",
"createAppointmentService": "Crear servicios de citas",
"createNewAppointment": "Crear nueva cita",
"date": "Fecha",
"date&Time": "Date & time",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"dateAndTimeOfVisit": "Fecha y hora de la visita",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"dateTime": "Date & Time",
Expand All @@ -84,8 +69,6 @@
"encounterType": "Tipo de encuentro",
"endDate": "End date",
"endTime": "Hora de finalización",
"errorCancellingAppointment": "Error cancelling the appointment",
"errorCheckingAppoitment": "Error checking in the appointment",
"errorCreatingAppointmentService": "Error creating appointment service",
"expected": "Expected",
"gender": "Género",
Expand All @@ -100,10 +83,7 @@
"medications": "Medicamentos",
"missed": "Perdida",
"missingVisitType": "Tipo de visita faltante",
"name": "Nombre",
"no": "No",
"noAppointmentsScheduledForTodayToDisplay": "No hay citas programadas para hoy en esta ubicación",
"noAppointmentsToDisplay": "No hay citas para mostrar en esta ubicación",
"noContent": "No Content",
"noCurrentAppointments": "No hay citas programadas que mostrar para hoy para este paciente",
"noEncountersFound": "No se encontraron encuentros",
Expand All @@ -115,7 +95,6 @@
"notes": "Notas",
"noUpcomingAppointments": "No hay próximas citas para mostrar para este paciente",
"noUpcomingAppointmentsForPatient": "No hay próximas citas para mostrar para este paciente",
"or": "o",
"past": "Anterior",
"patientDetails": "Detalles del paciente",
"patientName": "Nombre del paciente",
Expand All @@ -127,17 +106,14 @@
"providersBooked": "Providers booked: {{time}}",
"queueAddedSuccessfully": "",
"queueEntryError": "Error al agregar paciente a la cola",
"reasonForChanges": "Motivo de los cambios",
"recurringAppointment": "Recurring Appointment",
"repeatEvery": "Repeat every",
"revertingAppointmentStatus": "Revirtiendo el estado de la cita",
"save": "Guardar",
"saveAndClose": "Save and close",
"scheduled": "Programada",
"scheduledAppointments": "Citas programadas",
"search": "Buscar",
"searchForAVisitType": "Buscar un tipo de visita",
"seeAllAppointments": "Ver todas las citas",
"selectAppointmentStatus": "Seleccionar estado",
"selectAppointmentType": "Seleccionar tipo de cita",
"selectFacility": "Seleccionar instalación",
Expand All @@ -155,16 +131,14 @@
"startVisitError": "Error al iniciar la visita",
"time": "Tiempo",
"today": "Hoy",
"todaysAppointments": "Citas de hoy",
"todays": "Today's",
"total": "Total",
"undo": "Deshacer",
"unscheduled": "No programada",
"unscheduledAppointments": "Citas no programadas",
"unscheduledAppointments_lower": "citas no programadas",
"upcoming": "Próximas",
"upcomingAppointments": "Próximas citas",
"view": "Ver",
"viewCalendar": "Ver calendario",
"visitLocation": "Ubicación de la visita",
"visitStarted": "Visita iniciada",
"visitType": "Tipo de visita",
Expand Down

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