Releases: openstreetmap/merkaartor
Releases · openstreetmap/merkaartor
Merkaartor 0.20.0
Short changelog:
- ADD: Implemented OAuth2 authentication.
- ADD: AppImage builds.
- FIX: Fixed CI builds.
- FIX: libproxy and libgps external library handling by build system.
- FIX: CMake unity builds.
- FIX: Windows localization.
- DEL: Removed some dead code, qmake build config.
Merkaartor 0.19.0
Note for Windows users: The original package merkaartor-0.19.0-win64 suffered an build issue (#257). The installer and zip file were updated to merkaartor-0.19.0-1-win64, built using updated MSYS2 environment. The source code remains the same.
Short changelog:
- FIX: Fixed various GDAL import issues on all platforms.
- CHG: Projection engine no longer enables coordinate wrapping by default.
- CHG: Projection no longer guesses some EPSG projections only based on string contained, but rather requires it being an exact match.
- CHG: Added support for newer Proj.4 versions.
- CHG: Improved logging output.
- CHG: Added support for gpsd 3.20 and newer
- CHG: Automated translation handling not to include less than 50% translated languages (PR #250).
- FIX: Fixed undo for join ways interaction (PR #239).
- FIX: Disabled virtual node selection to avoid crash when applying interactions to virtual nodes. (PR #254, original issue described in PR #240).
- FIX: Fixed undo for build bridge tool.
Merkaartor 0.19.0-rc1
Short changelog:
- FIX: Fixed various GDAL import issues on all platforms.
- CHG: Projection engine no longer enables coordinate wrapping by default.
- CHG: Projection no longer guesses some EPSG projections only based on string contained, but rather requires it being an exact match.
- CHG: Added support for newer Proj.4 versions.
- CHG: Improved logging output.
- CHG: Added support for gpsd 3.20 and newer
Merkaartor 0.18.4
Maintenance release, bringing in a few bugfixes and compatibility with newer libraries.
Short changelog:
- FIX: Fixed "Create rectangular building" when panning (issue 125).
- FIX: Fixed wrong GPS track rendering of anonymized tracks (issue 181).
- FIX: Fixed a few bugs in gpsd handling.
- FIX: Fixed remote control not to trigger multiple downloads (issue 147).
- FIX: Fixed parsing of some OSM links.
- FIX: Fixed import of some GPX files.
- FIX: Updated GDAL, Proj.4 and Exiv2 code to support newer versions.
- FIX: Fixed wrong DPI when printing and exporting map.
- FIX: Fixed OSM renderer caching mechanism.
- FIX: Fixed wheel zooming speeds.
- FIX: Various stability issues.
- FIX: Various typos.
- DEL: Removed broken plugins: gosmore, NavigBackground, Yahoo imagery.
- DEL: Removed mobilemerk (unused and unusable build profile).
- DEL: Spatialite backend (unused and unusable data backend).
SHA256 merkaartor-0.18.4-64bit.exe:
SHA256 merkaartor-0.18.4-qt5.dmg: 2b75d7bc5fc08dcd8039c51e1b0e3a63424ab47030d16cb6479f14e7c9368971