Pre-releaseWhat's Changed
- Fix the crash in schedules view by @macumber in #614
- Add search bar to OSCollapsibleItemList by @macumber in #618
- Fix MacOS CI by @macumber in #624
- Fix #482 - SwimmingPool:Indoor icon + policy and implement a way to deal with ModelObjects having a model-dependent parameter by @jmarrec in #621
- Fix #560 - Refactor HVACSystems view to hide unavailable controls, allow zooming display on VRF + Refrigeration tab by @jmarrec in #622
- Fix #238 - Add a search bar for the Output Variable list, allow displaying only selected, bulk setting reporting frequency by @jmarrec in #623
- Update to OpenStudio SDK 3.7.0-alpha (latest nightly build) by @jmarrec in #627
- Geometry Preview refactor - separate into several files, allow running in browser directly by @jmarrec in #628
- New Geometry Diagnostics in the Geometry Preview: Detect incorrectly oriented surfaces in spaces, non convex spaces by @jmarrec in #630
- Update variables layout by @macumber in #631
- Update to OpenStudio 3.7.0-alpha based on EnergyPlus v23.2.0 official by @jmarrec in #635
- Update to OpenStudio 3.7.0-rc1 by @jmarrec in #636
- Disable TLS_VERIFY for conan cmake for windows CI runner by @jmarrec in #637
- Fix #638 - Make links clickable for measure descriptions by @jmarrec in #639
- Update to OpenStudio v3.7.0 by @macumber in #644
- Install the OpenStudio Results measure as a backup to the BCL by @macumber in #642
- Update the application version by @macumber in #645
- Update OSM versions to 3.7.0 by @macumber in #648
- Fix bug when cloning a story with windows by @macumber in #643
- Use the GitHub hosted macos-13 runners by @macumber in #647
- Update to Qt 6.6.1 by @macumber in #650
- Add support for Python Measures by @jmarrec in #651
- Re-enable tar.gz for MacOS by @macumber in #654
- Update mechanical ventilation outdoor air method combo box by @eringold in #646
- Support new CLI output by @macumber in #662
- Test SDK CLI from installers from another C++ CI run by @jmarrec in #666
- #657 - Properly find libruby/libpythonengine on macOS by @jmarrec in #664
- Redo app build caching by @jmarrec in #667
- Bad workaround for #659 by @jmarrec in #663
- 1.7.0 rc2 fixes by @jmarrec in #676
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0-rc2
Date Range: 2023-06-06 (v1.6.0) - 2024-01-22:
New Issues: 33
Closed Issues: 30
Accepted Pull Requests: 32
Total Open Issues: 136
Total Open Pull Requests: 3
Click to see details
Closed Issues: 30
- ➕ #238, Possible option of a search icon in the output variable tab
- ➕ #284, Have a search icon in the right-hand pane.
- ✔️ #314, Inspector dialog allows setting invalid object names
- ✔️ #332, Making a copy of some measures crushes the app
- ➕ #482, Adjust Policy for Swimming Pool to hide Pool Water In/Outlet Nodes (+ icon)
- ✔️ #554, Openstudio application crashes after clicking on thermal zone tab
- ✔️ #560, HVAC tab for VRF does not zoom
- ➕ #562, Search Function Request for User Interface in "My Model" tab and "Library" tab especially for HVAC tab
- ✔️ #602, OpenStudioApplication 1.6.0 - Release Checklist #507
- ✔️ #605, v1.6.0-rc1 Testing: Call for help from the community
- ✔️ #613, Crashes with assigning Summer/Winter Schedule
- ✔️ #616, OSM geometry rendering doesn't reflect space origins (but IDF does)
- ✔️ #617, Can't find any file in the online BCL
- ✔️ #619, Cannot find open studio results measure (msg when app launches & issue when running a simulation)
- ➕ #625, Refactor HVACSystemsController to hide controls by default and enable them only when needed
- ➕ #626, Redo the layout of the new Output:Variable filter capability
- ✔️ #632, Window and door components are not placing on geometry in floorspace.js
- ✔️ #634, Viewing HVAC Systems Control view resets Controller:MechanicalVentilation System Outdoor Air Method
- ➕ #638, Make links clickable in measure descriptions
- ✔️ #640, Unable to find openstudio measures.
- ➕ #641, Bundle OpenStudio Results Measure with installer
- ➕ #653, v1.7.0-rc1 Testing: Call for help from the community
- ✔️ #655, Unknown CMake command "conan_check" ?
- ✔️ #657, Can't run Python measure on Mac M1
- ➕ #660, Better feedback from measures using new CLI
- ✔️ #661, Crash when using OS:GroundHeatExchanger:HorizontalTrench
- ➕ #665, Add CI test to automatically install OSApp and run example workflow
- ✔️ #673, RPATH broken for OpenStudioApplication 1.7.0-rc2 on Ubuntu
- ✔️ #674, OpenStudioApplication 1.7.0-rc2: cannot load qtwebengine (geometry preview / results tabs)
- ✔️ #675, Chromium debug fails
Accepted Pull Requests: 32
- ✔️ #611, Merge for 1.6.0 release
- ✔️ #614, Fix the crash in schedules view
- ➕ #618, Add search bar to OSCollapsibleItemList
- ➕ #621, Fix #482 - SwimmingPool:Indoor icon + policy and implement a way to deal with ModelObjects having a model-dependent parameter
- ➕ #622, Fix #560 - Refactor HVACSystems view to hide unavailable controls, allow zooming display on VRF + Refrigeration tab
- ➕ #623, Fix #238 - Add a search bar for the Output Variable list, allow displaying only selected, bulk setting reporting frequency
- ✔️ #624, Fix MacOS CI
- ✔️ #627, Update to OpenStudio SDK 3.7.0-alpha (latest nightly build)
- ➕ #628, Geometry Preview refactor - separate into several files, allow running in browser directly
- ➕ #629, New Geometry Diagnostics in the Geometry Preview: Detect incorrectly oriented surfaces in spaces, non convex spaces
- ✔️ #630, New Geometry Diagnostics in the Geometry Preview: Detect incorrectly oriented surfaces in spaces, non convex spaces
- ✔️ #631, Update variables layout
- ✔️ #635, Update to OpenStudio 3.7.0-alpha based on EnergyPlus v23.2.0 official
- ✔️ #636, Update to OpenStudio 3.7.0-rc1
- ✔️ #637, Disable TLS_VERIFY for conan cmake for windows CI runner
- ➕ #639, Fix #638 - Make links clickable for measure descriptions
- ✔️ #642, Install the OpenStudio Results measure as a backup to the BCL
- ✔️ #643, Fix bug when cloning a story with windows
- ✔️ #644, Update to OpenStudio v3.7.0
- ✔️ #645, Update the application version
- ✔️ #646, Update mechanical ventilation outdoor air method combo box
- ✔️ #647, Use the GitHub hosted macos-13 runners
- ✔️ #648, Update OSM versions to 3.7.0
- ✔️ #650, Update to Qt 6.6.1
- ✔️ #651, Add support for Python Measures
- ✔️ #654, Re-enable tar.gz for MacOS
- ✔️ #662, Support new CLI output
- ✔️ #663, Bad workaround for #659
- ✔️ #664, #657 - Properly find libruby/libpythonengine on macOS
- ✔️ #666, Test SDK CLI from installers from another C++ CI run
- ✔️ #667, Redo app build caching
- ✔️ #676, 1.7.0 rc2 fixes
Total Open Issues: 136 (#130, #132, #111, #112, #142, #113, #143, #158, #133, #134, #172, #135, #136, #162, #139, #174, #157, #166, #175, #138, #167, #137, #121, #176, #114, #144, #152, #171, #141, #115, #140, #122, #116, #164, #170, #165, #151, #154, #148, #117, #150, #123, #169, #153, #124, #160, #155, #125, #156, #105, #159, #161, #120, #127, #118, #119, #128, #129, #146, #147, #168, #19, #42, #78, #101, #96, #104, #179, #199, #206, #213, #217, #224, #234, #239, #253, #254, #262, #263, #271, #272, #273, #278, #279, #280, #289, #293, #298, #300, #322, #335, #336, #337, #338, #357, #371, #377, #380, #381, #389, #396, #400, #410, #411, #416, #417, #423, #472, #475, #481, #485, #491, #493, #495, #512, #520, #529, #542, #555, #557, #561, #571, #590, #612, #615, #620, #633, #649, #656, #658, #659, #668, #669, #670, #671, #672)