OpenTargets ETL pipeline to process OpenFDA FAERS DB.
The openFDA drug adverse event API returns data that has been collected from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), a database that contains information on adverse event and medication error reports submitted to FDA.
The pipeline supports three output formats (Parquet, CSV and JSON) which can be specified in the configuration file. For Open Targets, both formats are used:
- CSV: adverse_event in the current pipeline
- JSON: openfda index in the ETL pipeline
This project should be run as a Spark job to generate aggregate outputs of adverse drug events.
Download the OpenFDA "FAERS" data (~ 1000 files - May 2020)
Stage 1: Pre-processing of this data (OpenFdaEtl.scala):
- Filtering:
- Only reports submitted by health professionals (primarysource.qualification in (1,2,3)).
- Exclude reports that resulted in death (no entries with seriousnessdeath=1).
- Only drugs that were considered by the reporter to be the cause of the event (drugcharacterization=1).
- Remove events (but not the whole report which might have multiple events) that are blacklisted (see Blacklist).
- Match FDA drug names to Open Targets drug names & then map all these back to their ChEMBL id:
- Open Targets drug index fields: ‘chembl_id’, ‘synonyms’, ‘pref_name’, ‘trade_names’.
- openFDA adverse event data fields: ‘drug.medicinalproduct’, ‘drug.openfda.generic_name’, ‘drug.openfda.brand_name’, ‘drug.openfda.substance_name’.
- Generate table where each row is a unique drug-event pair and count the number of report IDs for each pair, the total number of reports, the total number of reports per drug and the total number of reports per event. Using these calculate the fields required for estimating the significance of each event occuring for each drug, e.g. log-likelihood ratio, (llr) (based on FDA LRT method).
- Filtering:
Stage 2: Calculate significance of each event for all drugs based on the FDA LRT method (Monte Carlo simulation) (MonteCarloSampling.scala).
Sample CSV output:
CHEMBL1231,cardiac output decreased,123456,1,8.392140045623442,4.4247991585588675
CHEMBL1231,cardiovascular insufficiency,123457,1,7.699049533524681,4.4247991585588675
CHEMBL888,acute kidney injury,123458,9,6.599656934149834,6.04901361282136
CHEMBL888,adenocarcinoma pancreas,123459,2,6.557801342905918,6.04901361282136
Sample JSON output:
{"chembl_id":"CHEMBL1231","event":"cardiac output decreased","meddraCode": ..., "count":1,"llr":8.392140045623442,"critval":4.4247991585588675}
{"chembl_id":"CHEMBL1231","event":"cardiovascular insufficiency","meddraCode": ..., "count":1,"llr":7.699049533524681,"critval":4.4247991585588675}
Notice that the JSON output is actually JSONL. Each line is a single result object.
- OpenJDK 1.8
- scala 2.12.x (through SDKMAN is simple)
- ammonite REPL
- Drug index dump from OpenTargets ES
- Text file of blacklisted events
Simply run the following command:
sbt assembly
The jar will be generated under target/scala-2.12.10/
The base configuration is found under src/main/resources/reference.conf
. If you want to use specific configurations
for a Spark job see below.
The fda
section is specifically relevant to this pipeline.
Specify the number of permutations and the relevance percentile threshhold.
Paths to the blacklisted_events, chembl data and fda database dump.
The chembl data refers to the drug
output of the platform-backend-etl
pipeline's drug step.
Path to Meddra data release if available. Remove key from configuration file if data is not available. As this is proprietary data it must be provided on an optional basis for users who do not have this dataset.
Specify format in which output should be saved. If no outputs are specified the results will not be saved.
Output can be either "csv" or "json".
The pipeline will output the following directory structure:
output dir:
is used in the Open Targets front end via Elasticsearch.
Here how to create a cluster using gcloud
gcloud beta dataproc clusters create \
etl-cluster \
--image-version=1.5-debian10 \
--properties=yarn:yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled=false,spark:spark.debug.maxToStringFields=1024,spark:spark.master=yarn \
--master-machine-type=n1-highmem-16 \
--master-boot-disk-size=500 \
--num-secondary-workers=0 \
--worker-machine-type=n1-standard-16 \
--num-workers=2 \
--worker-boot-disk-size=500 \
--zone=europe-west1-d \
--project=open-targets-eu-dev \
--region=europe-west1 \
--initialization-action-timeout=20m \
And to submit the job with either a local jar or from a GCS Bucket (gs://...)
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
--cluster=etl-cluster \
--project=open-targets-eu-dev \
--region=europe-west1 \
--async \
Add to your run either commandline or sbt task Intellij IDEA -Dconfig.file=application.conf
and it
will load the configuration from your ./
path or project root. Missing fields will be resolved
with reference.conf
The same happens with logback configuration. You can add -Dlogback.configurationFile=application.xml
have a logback.xml hanging on your project root or run path. An example log configuration
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%level %logger{15} - %message%n%xException{10}</pattern>
<root level="WARN">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
<logger name="io.opentargets.openfda" level="DEBUG"/>
<logger name="org.apache.spark" level="WARN"/>
If you are using the Dataproc cluster you need to add some additional arguments specifying where the configuration can be found.
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
--cluster=etl-cluster \
--project=open-targets-eu-dev \
--region=europe-west1 \
--async \
--files=application.conf \
--properties=spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=job.conf,spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dconfig.file=application.conf \
where application.conf
is a subset of reference.conf
common {
output = "gs://ot-snapshots/etl/mk-latest"
The fat jar can be executed on a local installation of Spark using spark-submit
/usr/lib/spark/bin/spark-submit --class io.opentargets.openfda.Main \
--driver-memory $(free -g | awk '{print $7}')g \
--master local[*] \
<jar> --arg1 ... --arg2 ...
This are the files generated from the platform-etl-backend
drug step. For a specific release they will usually be
found in gs://ot-snapshots/etl/outputs/<release>/drug/drugs/
In the case you need to obtain the FDA FAERS data these bash commands can be used to produce it
curl -XGET '' | \
cat - | \
jq -r '.results.drug.event.partitions[].file' > files.txt
# get number of cores of the computer as cardinality of the files set is around 900
cores=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l)
# split file into cores chunks
split -d -n l/$cores files.txt f_
for fname in $(ls -1 f_*); do
(for f in $(cat $fname); do wget -c "$f" -O - | gunzip | jq -r '.results[]|@json' > $(uuidgen -r)"_file.json"; done) &
# wait for all processes to finish
exit 0
The blacklist is a manually curated txt file to exclude events that are uninformative for our purposes. The canonical file
can be found in the resources
This pipeline uses an optional subset of data from the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities to link the adverse event terms used by the FDA back to their standardised names.
This data is included in the pipeline output provided by Open Targets, but if you are running the pipeline locally you need to download the most recent Meddra release which is subject to licensing restrictions.
Spark will write the json results in many individual files as this allows each thread to write concurrently, rather than having to aggregate the data onto a single node before writing and is much faster. If you want all of the information in a single file the following command can be used:
touch results.jsonl; find <directory with results> -name 'part*.json' -exec cat {} \; >> results.jsonl
As the FAERS database is very large (~130GB) it might be useful to extract a stratified sample for analysis and testing
purposes. There is a feature provided to achieve this which is configured through the application.conf
file to be
provided to Spark.
Caution: Execution of the job will be very slow with sampling enabled because of the large amount of data which needs to be written to disk!
The sampling method will return a subset of the original data, with equal proportions of drugs which likely would have had significant results during MC sampling and those that did not. For instance, if there are 6000 unique ChEMBL entries in the entire dataset, and 500 would have had significant adverse effects, and sampling is set to 0.10, we would expect that the sampled data would ahve around 600 ChEMBL entries, of which 50 may be significant. As the sampling is random, and the significance of an adverse event depends both on the number of adverse events and drugs in a sample, results are not reproducible. Sampling is provided for basic validation and testing.
The sampled dataset is saved to disk, and can be used as an input for subsequent jobs.
- Add tag to master so we can recreate the jar
git tag -a <release> -m "Release <release>"
git push origin <release>
Where release is something like 20.11.0 (year, month, iteration). Hopefully we don't need the iteration.
- Create jar and push to cloud storage
sbt assembly
gsutil cp target/scala-2.12/<jar> gs://open-targets-data-releases/<release>/openfda-faers/<jar>
- Generate input files and push to cloud
- Create updated configuration file and push to cloud
- Save file in same place as jar so it can be re-run if necessary.
- Run ETL step
- Update
with necessary variables (location of jar, config, etc)
- Create Elasticseach index (script in
- The relevant output file is
Version | Date | Notes |
1.0.0 | June 2020 | Initial release |
1.0.1 | September 2020 | Fixing output names; headers for CSV, keys for JSON |
1.1.0 | October 2020 | Adding meddra preferred terms to output. |
1.1.1 | November 2020 | Making Meddra term inclusion optional. |
1.1.2 | Feb 2021 | Removing duplicates. |
Copyright 2014-2024 EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute, Genentech, GSK, MSD, Pfizer, Sanofi and Wellcome Sanger Institute
This software was developed as part of the Open Targets project. For more information please see:
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.