pip install subtensorapi==1.1.0
python3 -m subtensorapi --help
python3 -m subtensorapi sync_and_save --help
python3 -m subtensorapi sync_and_save_historical --help
python3 -m subtensorapi sync_and_save_historical_difficulty --help
python3 -m subtensorapi blockAtReg_and_save --help
In order to release the subtensor-api python package we should:
- Update version (update_version.sh)
- Release package (release.sh)
- Tag github repo
- Generate github release
- Update python wheel to pypi
You can do this with the following commands:
cd subtensor-api/ && \
./scripts/release/update_version.sh minor && \
Note that this command will release a minor version. For major or patch version change the usage of the update_version.sh script (major, minor and patch are allowed).