Applications on the server.
The original use of this repo is to track the migration of to This is now complete and now connects to the new server. The old server is no more :-( . R.I.P.
Any work that needs to be done (bug fixes, migration tasks) should be recorded as an issue. When creating an issue, please tag it with the appropriate project (to the right of the issue description box, click Projects, then the "Repository" tab).
If you are looking to help, you can view open issues in the issues page, or sorted by project in the projects page.
Applications which are managed on include
- MediaWiki . -- you can register on the wiki to obtain write access to the forums.
- Moodle (which powers the WeBWorK forums) linked to from the left margin of the wiki. To post to the forums you need to first # on the wiki.
- Request Tracker (RT) which manages tickets for setting up courses and other maintenance .
- Mailman -- which hosts the development list [ww-devel] and the bug report list [ww-bugs] (these mail lists no longer exist)
- Archives for the list-serves through February 2020 are available at
- Bugzilla -- which hosts the bug reports for PG problems:
- Blog posts (planet) -- needs to be reset.
Other applications which are managed separately are
- WeBWorK installation sites, managed with Google spreadsheet and google maps hosted on TWP's google drive
- The POD documentation currently maintained on .