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❔ About

The aim of this repo is to summarize some resources around Grype to take the best ouf this great tool.

🔖 Discover grype-contribs

To learn more about this project, take a glance at :


🧰 Prerequisites

For an optimal usage of these resources, you'll need :

  • git
  • brew installed
  • python3 and pip

Install tools

brew tap anchore/grype
brew install grype

We'll use termgraph, "A command-line tool that draws basic graphs in the terminal," :

python3 -m pip install termgraph

Finally clone this repo :

gh repo clone opt-nc/grype-contribs
cd grype-contribs

👉 You are ready.

📜 Templating

Since v0.42.0, and its issue #724 it is possible to transform analysis report with templates.

This feature makes it possible to build nicely useable and highly customizable reports.

📊 Aggregated report in the terminal (termgraph)

 # Put your image here
export IMAGE=nginx:latest
echo "☝️ About to analyze $IMAGE with grype ❕"
grype $IMAGE -o template -t tmpl/csv-vulnerability_id-severity-no-headers.tmpl > work/analysis.csv
cat work/analysis.csv
echo ""
echo "✅ grype analysis done."
echo "$(tail -n +2 work/analysis.csv)" > work/analysis.csv
echo "➕ Aggregating datas :"
awk -F, '{a[$1]+=$2;}END{for(i in a)print i", "a[i];}' work/analysis.csv > work/analysis-aggregated.csv
cat work/analysis-aggregated.csv
echo "📊 Charting analysis"
termgraph  work/analysis-aggregated.csv --title "🛡️  Grype report for [${IMAGE}] 🐳"
# Visit for more tools around reporting and templates

🔗 Html report

With installed version:

export IMAGE=nginx:latest
echo "☝️ About to analyze $IMAGE with grype ❕"
grype $IMAGE -o template -t tmpl/html-table.tmpl > work/analysis.html
firefox work/analysis.html

Or with docker:

export IMAGE=nginx:latest
echo "☝️ About to analyze $IMAGE with grype ❕"

docker run --rm \
  -v ${PWD}/tmpl/html-table.tmpl:/config/html-table.tmpl:ro \
  anchore/grype:latest \
  $IMAGE -o template -t /config/html-table.tmpl > work/analysis.html

open work/analysis.html

Depending on your needs, add the appropriate options as shown in grype official documentation:

# to scan scan a container running or images on host
  --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

# to access a private registry (with config.json configured on host)
  -v ~/.docker/config.json:/config/config.json:ro -e "DOCKER_CONFIG=/config"

💡 Ideas

  • Better html template
  • Concatenate multiple reports within a same csv for advanced JupterNotebook and other reporting tools (OpenSearch, ELK, PowerBI,...)
  • Jupter NoteBooks on json
  • Nicer HTML reports
  • Package as a Makefile
  • Develop markdown template and implement pandoc toolchain for various exports
  • JupyterBook report template based on raw csv export