Table of Contents |
1. About project. |
2. Technologies Used. |
3. Minimum Viable Product. |
4. Screenshot of work. |
5. Application URL. |
6. Team. |
7. License. |
8. Additions. |
Create a real-world full-stack application that you'll be able to showcase to potential employers. The directions and technologies used in creating this project are;
Use of Node.js and Express.js to create a RESTful API.
Use of Handlebars.js as the template engine
Use of MySQL and the Sequelize ORM for the database
Utilising GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data
Deployed using Heroku (with data).
The project was created with an intention to make a responsive web application, that our client could use in their Dog Day Care business.
The project needed to have options for users to login and #, booking appointments online, managing dog profiles and their already existing appointments. The client also wanted an easy "contact us" method, where user can write something and immediately gets sent to the admin.
Below are some photos of the planning phase and the the screenshots of how the layout of the app looks like.
1. Javascript
2. HTML 5
3. CSS
4. Handlebars.js
5. Express
6. Node.js
7. MySQL2
8. Express Session
9. Bcrypt
10. Heroku
11. Dotenv
12. Sequelize
13. Bootstrap
14. Moment.js
15. Nodemailer
16. JawsDB
Wireframe/planning stage
ERD - How the IDs would work
This project uses the MIT license.
We are always looking for ways to make our code better. If you would like to collaborate and make this application better, please feel free to do so by cloning and pulling the latest files.