Breaking changes
Added React 19 support.
Model.icon property moved to Meta .
The initial value and value properties of the Rich text editor are now of type string.
@emotion/cache updated to 11.14.0.
@emotion/css updated to 11.13.5.
@emotion/react updated to 11.14.0.
mobx updated updated to 6.13.5.
mobx-react updated to 9.2.0.
Components can be deleted by pressing Delete button.
Added upload server example.
Fixed bugs
A phantom selection remains after a drag and drop operation.
Some minor bugs related to adding components by double-clicking.
Fixed the bug of being able to select multiple files without setting the Multiple option in the Uploader component.
A component cannot be added after undo by double-clicking it.
The text of the ‘Add New Item’ button was not visible in dark mode.
Broken form label markup when the form is empty.
Updated internal dependencies
vite from 4.2.1 to 6.0.7.
You can’t perform that action at this time.