This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
Note: Make sure you start json-server
on 8080
port with provided db.json
file, then only you will be able to see data on this website.
- Fork this repository
- Clone the Forked repository.
- Note: This Clone repository should be on your github account.
- navigate to the folder
- npm install
- npm start
- To Visit App: http://localhost:3000/
- Make sure your
is running on port8080
file is provided. - OTP for # 1234
- Dev Ashish Saurabh
- Mohammad Ayaz Noori
- Shivam
- Sirtaj Khan
- Aditya Sharma
The Journey so far has been challenging and fun at the same time for my team this was our 3rd project
and 1st project on React
the deadline was just a week, it all felt like we were working on a real product, and also we tried to enact the overall activity as the real working climate where we used git commands to collaborate throughout the project. The planning, discussions, and other team-relevant activities were done via zoom meetings. Each of us handled different tasks to ensure the successful submission of the project.
KFC Corporation, based in Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the few brands in America that can boast a rich, decades-long history of success and innovation. We’re at over 24,000 KFC outlets and more than 145 countries and territories around the world. And you know what? There’s still a cook in a kitchen in every last one of them, freshly preparing delicious, complete family meals at affordable prices.
Landing Page |
Menu Page |
Account Page |
Help Page |
# Page |
Cart Page |
Deal Page |
- User can order food online.
- Auth Login through Mobile Number
- user able to Logout.
- OnClick any Category user to get related foods..
- On Add to Cart, users are able to see the cost of food on top in Navbar.
- user able to get multiple payment methods.
<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Links and Acclaim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->
Github Repo LINK:
Netlify Link:
Blog Link:
A video link for an explanation of a Small Part of the Website:
⁍ Dev Ashish Saurabh:
1.Create a Full Landing Page With All functionality.. 2.Creation of # page, otp verification Page with login,logout Function which includes the hovering and routing. 3.Update Deal Page ,Help Page and Account Page with full functional and openable on every screen. 4.Provide Add To Cart UI Design, Checkout UI & Functionality and Payment page Redirect Functionality . 4.Enabled functionalities with extensive use of React. 5.Integrated all the pages with functionality to deliver a seamless experience to the user. 6.Most Importantly assessment of team members' daily schedule tasks, daily morning scrum for dividing the task, taking daily assessment reports jointly contributing with team members and arranging team meetings to rectify and fix the bugs. 7.I've also managed the team and project as a Leader. My most satisfying contribution was building a transparent, inclusive, and very effective communication environment for my teammates.
⁍ Mohammad Ayaz Noori:
1. Create a Full Menu Page With All functionality.. 2. Create #/# Page UI and Roting. 3. Create Add To cart Funcionallity With Updatation of Navbar. 4. Using Context Api For Menu And Price & Routing of all our Pages. 5. Help of team on rectify and fix the bugs. 6. I've also managed the team and project as a Co-Leader.
⁍ Shivam:
1. Create a Navbar & Footer With All functionality.. 2. Create Account Page,Help Page UI and Roting. 3. Create Confirmation Page . 4. Help of team on rectify and fix the bugs.
⁍ Sirtaj Khan:
1. Create a UI Design of Deals Page.. 2. Create Cart Page Basic Ui And Add to cart Functionality. 3. Create Remove cart functionality . 4. Help of team on rectify and fix the bugs.
⁍ Aditya Sharma:
1. Create a Data (db.json) for backend.
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- We take all the responsibility for every single line of code. The de#spires by