**This gem is no longer maintained.**
Entrez is a simple API for making HTTP requests to Entrez utilities (eutils: eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).
gem install entrez
or if you use Bundler:
# Gemfile gem 'entrez'
It requires httparty.
See ‘Email & Tool’ section below for setup.
Supported Utilities
Not yet implemented
You can copy/paste the resulting following request URLs into a browser to see what the response would be.
params hash (optional)
Entrez.EFetch(‘snp’, id: 123, retmode: :xml) #=> makes request to eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=snp&id=9268480&retmode=xml. #=> returns XML document with SNP rs9268480 data.
ESummary takes the same arguments.
search terms (hash will be converted to term+AND+another_term notation. It can also be a string literal.)
params hash (optional)
Entrez.ESearch(‘genomeprj’, {WORD: ‘hapmap’, SEQS: ‘inprogress’}, retmode: :xml) #=> makes request to eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=genomeprj&term=hapmap[WORD]+AND+inprogress[SEQS]&retmode=xml. #=> returns XML document with list of ids of genome projects that match the searc term criteria. #=> i.e. genome projects that have ‘hapmap’ in the description and whose sequencing status is ‘inprogress’.
The response has a convenience method to retrieve the parsed ids.
response = Entrez.ESearch('genomeprj', {WORD: 'hapmap', SEQS: 'inprogress'}, retmode: :xml) response.ids #=> [1, 2, ...]
You can build your own customized queries if you have something more complex with ANDs and ORs. Use Entrez.convert_search_term_hash() to help you. It converts a hash into a valid Entrez search string properly joined with the operator of your choosing. If you pass in the OR operator, the returned search string will be wrapped in a set of parentheses.
params hash (optional)
Entrez.EInfo(‘gene’, retmode: :xml) #=> makes request to eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/einfo.fcgi?db=gene. #=> returns XML document with list of searchable fields for gene database.
NCBI asks that you supply the tool you are using and your email. The Entrez gem uses ‘ruby’ as the tool. Email is obtained from an environment variable ENTREZ_EMAIL on your computer. I set mine in my ~/.bash_profile:
export ENTREZ_EMAIL='jared@redningja.com'
NCBI recommends no more than 3 URL requests per second: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25497/#chapter2.Usage_Guidelines_and_Requiremen This gem respects this limit. It will delay the next request if the last 3 have been made within 1 second. The amount of delay time is no more than what is necessary to make the next request “respectful”.
If you use something like FakeWeb for testing, and you don’t want to slow down your tests, tell Entrez to ignore the query limit:
require 'entrez/spec_helpers' it 'does something that I promise will not bother NCBI' do Entrez.ignore_query_limit do # Anything that happens within this block will ignore the query limit. # So make sure you do not actually request queries from NCBI. # For example: FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false end # Query limits are respected again outside of the block. end