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Tazmeen Afroz TazmeenAfroz
Student at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

Peshawar District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

King tdadadavid
King | Software Engineer | Computer Scientist | Priest

NITHUB Lagos , Nigeria

apaz apaz-cli

Prime Intellect AI Open secrets, anyone can find me

Lucas Grosjean lucasgrjn
Lucas Grosjean, Currently playing to mix photonics and IA with a pinch of Lithium Niobate at Femto-ST, CNRS Labs 🇫🇷, Resident at (Google) X.

X, Google San Francisco

Niko Savola nikosavola
Quantum technologies PhD student @ Aalto University, Advisor at @theteamatx

X (Google) Helsinki, Finland

Ayushman Rathore Spartan09
Go, Svelte and Rust enjoyer.

Pune, India

Vitor Wuchryn VitorThorvi

@startup-space Brazil

Wei GENG ViGeng

Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany

Wyatt Gill wyattgill9
Rust, Python, TS Exploring FP

Looking for work San Diego, CA

Felipe Novaes F Rocha kamikazebr
Blockchain Dev <> Solidity Security Researcher Nomad at Brazil

Murilo Vinicius Muriloswamp
Cursando ciencia de dados e masterizando python
Ned Bingham nbingham1
Computer Engineer, Hiker, and Climber. My research focuses on advanced circuit design methodologies and systems.

Broccoli, LLC Bloomington, IN

Nick Vastardis nvastardis
Computer Science Undergraduate
Alisson Henrique Kolling alikolling
Graduate student at FURG. Passionate about robotics and AI.

FURG Rio Grande, Brazil

José Britto joseclaudiobritto
Full Stack Developer & Student of Bachelor’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence

Result Consultoria Toledo - Paraná

Pablo Hugo pab-h
“What I cannot create, I do not understand.” – Richard Feynman

Ceará, Brazil.

Luiz Carlos luizon7
🤙 Hi, I’m @luizon7 🇧🇷 🤓 I’m interested in Containers and Infraestructure Code 🏄‍♂️ I’m currently working Azure Cloud and AWS Cloud Services

@Dexian Brazil

Antonio Quental aquental
Researching Web3 and a bit of AI.

A. Quental Consultoria Brazil

Igor Crispim Diniz IgorCRD

Software engineer at Varsity Tutors João Pessoa - PB, Brasil

Pavel Chekmaryov ufijuice
escaping postmodernism

San Francisco

Shobon03 Shobon03
Brazilian, Full-Stack Developer: Typescript, PHP. Doing some SNES assembly studies.

São Paulo, Brasil

Luan Estradioto LEstradioto
Frontend-focused Full Stack Developer | Freelancer👋 | Always open to interesting conversations - feel free to reach out!

Curitiba, Brazil

Luis Paulo Almeida lpgpa
Opensource, Openhardware, OS Linux


Lucas H. Motta lkmotta
Graduando em Engenharia de Computação - UTFPR

Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Apucarana - PR, Brasil

Matheus Vidigal NyctibiusVII
<A programmer focused on being a Full-stack Web Developer /> 🚀💻

@Descomplica-ADS São Paulo - SP - Brazil

Carlos Luiz unnamed-orbert
Como fazer mais uma biblioteca de JavaScript usando maisena e códigos abertos? I don't understand nothing about this, but i'm learning!


Guilherme Caldas guilhermecaldas
Developer and lover of opensource projects. I want to thank the community, collaborating and giving back the work I have received for years :)

@ChemisTechlabs São Paulo, Brazil

Pedro Henrique Paino PedroPaino
I building things in Web and enthusiastic about Open Source👩‍💻

Fatec Mauá Brazil