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David DavidGiraldoCode
I like to make pixels move on the screen


Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Just some script kiddie trying to learn how to code, in order to become less of a script kiddie and more of an actual programmer. Discord username: alte2513


Caio Valente valentecaio

Rio de Janeiro | Paris

Antonio Espinosa Garcia AEspinosaDev
Rendering engineer with special interest in real-time computer graphics, physical simulation, videogames and 3D art.

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid | Malaga

Seb James sebjameswml
Researcher in computational neuroscience at Opteran. This is my personal github account. Previously research associate at The University of Sheffield.

Opteran Sheffield, UK

Samraat Gupta stingyemperor

Texas A&M University College Station,TX

C++, Python, OpenGL, Vulkan
Xingchang Huang xchhuang
PhD student

Max Planck Institute for Informatics Saarbruecken, Germany

Zheng Zeng zheng95z
"The shortest route is the detour. It was the detour that was our shortest path."

Jo Inc. Green Dophin

Linghui Zeng mathsyouth

UniDT Technology (shanghai) Co.,Ltd. Shanghai

Nobuyuki Umetani nobuyuki83
research & development in the fields of computer graphics & engineering

The University of Tokyo Tokyo

Philipp Erler ErlerPhilipp
PhD student at TU Wien researching surface reconstruction with deep learning

TU Wien Vienna

Nick Vazquez nickvazz
BS/MS Physics interested in deep learning and data science/engineering! Currently a Data Engineer/Scientist at Tau Motors.

Tau Motors Redwood City, CA

Brian Sullender b-sullender
CEO and Full-Stack Developer at SULLE WAREHOUSE

@sullewarehouse Kentucky, USA

Jakob-HDSR CorrelateVisuals
Passionate about modelling knowledge and parallel programming; specialized in GLSL, Vulkan, C++, Python and Touchdesigner.

Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden

Stefan Asandei stefanasandei

highschool student Romania

Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.
Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Lorenzo Rutayisire loryruta
AI/Computer graphics student, C++/CUDA Software Developer and more

@upperlevel Modena, Italy

Théo Le Goc tlegoc
CS student (Digitial imaging, video games), ESIR & UQAC


BlackSwanBay BlackSwanBay

Stars Productions Zürich

Balázs Kovács Andromeda08

Székesfehérvár, Hungary

Barney Börcsök bobarna
Computer Graphics @ Georgia Tech
CodingBot ameaninglessname
moo~🐮 neigh!🐴

Pasture Left-Up-Corner

David Bauer DBauer15
Graduate Student Researcher @VIDILabs

University of California, Davis Davis, CA

Karthik Ramesh Iyer KarthikRIyer
MSCS @tamu-edu | ex @jpmorganchase | GSoC'20 @aswf OpenTimelineIO | GSoC'19 @tensorflow | Computer Graphics | Former dev @mdgspace | Chemical engg @iitroorkee
Nitin Gupta nitingupta910

VMware, Intel, Oracle, NVIDIA, Netflix United States