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27 repositories
- This package contains the Matlab codes used for building, analyzing, and applying quantitative translators of cardiac myocyte electrophysiology across species or experimental conditions. It also contains the codes of our updated models of mouse, rabbit, and human ventricular myocytes (integrating descriptions of AP dynamics, Ca and Na handling, …
Public- The Morotti et al. model of mouse ventricular myocyte (J Physiol. 2014 Mar 15;592(6):1181-97, available for download on this website) is here modified to integrate the Negroni et al. model of myofilament contraction (J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Apr;81:162-75, see rabbit model available for download on this website). This model was developed to inve…
- The Bartos et al. model was developed modifying the formulation of the delayed rectifier K current IKs in the parent model developed by Negroni et al. (J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Apr;81:162-75, available for download on this website). The new formulation reproduces the Ca2+-dependent regulation of IKs experimentally observed.
- This package contains the Matlab code used to perform sensitivity analysis on a population of electrophysiological models with the method of linear logistic regression. Here, the Kapela et al. model of rat mesenteric smooth muscle cell (Journal of Theoretical Biology 253 (2008) 238– 260) is used to create a family of 1000 model variants by pertu…
- Ellinwood et al. integrated a Markov model of the IKur current derived from Zhou et al. (PLoS ONE 2012; e42295), modified to fit voltage-clamp data from human atrial myocytes, into the Morotti et al. human atrial model (J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2016 Jul; 96:63-71, available for download on this webpage). The IKur current model was extended to reprodu…
- This package contains the code used to investigate proarrythmic mechanisms on a population of electrophysiological models with the method of multivariable logistic regression. In this example, the Morotti et al. model of human atrial myocyte (J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2016 Jul;96:63-71, available for download on this website) is used to create a famil…
- Morotti et al. integrated a Na current Markov model (Grandi et al. Biophys J. 2007;93:3835-47, and Wagner et al. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2009;2:285-94) into the framework of the Grandi-Bers human atrial model (Circ Res. 2011;109:1055-66, available for download on this website). The Na current model was extended to reproduce the dose-depend…
- The Negroni et al. model describes excitation-contraction coupling in the rabbit ventricular myocytes. A new model of myofilament contraction is here included into an established (and updated) computational framework, which integrates descriptions of electrophysiology, Ca and Na handling (from Shannon et al. Biophys J. 2004 Nov;87(5):3351-71), C…
- The Morotti et al. model describes excitation-contraction coupling in the mouse ventricular myocyte with integrated descriptions of Ca, Ca/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and protein kinase A signaling pathways. This model was built upon the Soltis and Saucerman rabbit ventricular model (Biophys J. 2010 Oct 6;99(7):2038-47) and i…
- This model was developed integrating a modified version of the L-type Ca current (LTCC) model by Mahajan et al. (Biophys J. 2008 Jan 15;94(2):392 -410) into the framework of the Shannon-Bers rabbit ventricular model (Biophys J. 2004 Nov;87(5):3351-71). The LTCC model was extended to reflect more faithfully contributions of Ca- and voltage-depend…
- The Grandi et al. model was developed by incorporating the experimentally known atrio-ventricular differences into the Grandi-Pasqualini-Bers human ventricular model. Parameters were also tuned to recapitulate action potential and Ca handling characteristics of chronic atrial fibrillation.
- The Shannon-Bers model is an integrated mathematical model of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in the rabbit ventricular myocyte, focusing on detailed Ca handling with four compartments of junctional cleft, subsarcolemmal space, cytosolic bulk, and sarcoplasmic reticulum.