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Samy Mohamed SamyMohamed1
ADAS Model-based Software Engineer


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mitchell Cohen mitchellcohen3
Ph.D. Candidate studying robotics at McGill University.

McGill University Montreal, Canada

Niccolò Gazzanelli ngazzanelli
Research Fellow @ADVRHumanoids, IIT

Italian Institute of Technology, @ADVRHumanoids Genova, Italy


@MicroMOOC Chengdu

Alexios zhouchangSJTU
senior of SJTU


rickyman Suhao07
ZJUer since 2021, Learning RL /DL/Graphics/ Robotics/VLM ^_^

Zhejiang University

Jay wenqing-2021
M.E. in Hunan University, BEng in Dalian University of Technology. Keep the passion for Robotics and Autonomous Driving.

Hunan University shanghai, china

Ph. D. student at Kyoto University

Kyoto University Japan

Feiyu Xiao feiyuxiaoThu
Citizen, Husband, Dad, and Robotics Evangelist. Former researcher intern in @ToyotaCRDL and student in SVM in @Automobile-Crash-Lab

Tsinghua University Haidian, Beijing

cd01 changzhengwu


Yulun Zhuang silvery107
Robotics PhD Student @ UMich

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, US

Volkan Kumtepeli ElektrikAkar
Yet another person.

United Kingdom

Nanjie Zhang q10l01p

Zenaida Orn Company 0588 ,Emelia Rest ,Marceleneport ,Idaho ,Fiji

Jonathan Lin jlin
tech magpie

Vancouver, BC, Canada

wenlong aogrcs
focus in verification of real time embedded control system using static analysis, theorem proving
Vihaan Shah ShahhhVihaan
I write code for robots and sometimes build them | CS at UConn
Shaw Wang JulyThirteenth
As a student since 4 years old.
zitong zitongbai
Phd student in Robotics and Control Theory

Beijing, China

Finn FinnPrivateGit
ETHZ Student who is working on private Projects like cross-plattform-applications and websites.

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Zürich