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amazon-ads-api 2.0.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @whitebox-co/amazon-ads-api@2.0.0
Install via package.json:
"@whitebox-co/amazon-ads-api": "2.0.0"

About this version

Amazon Ads API SDK

GitHub GitHub GitHub Workflow Status GitHub Workflow Status GitHub Workflow Status GitHub Workflow Status GitHub Workflow Status

A fully typed and auto-generated TypeScript library for the Amazon Ads API.

This library automatically generates typescript types, classes, interfaces, integration tests, and UI documentation based directly off of the Amazon Ads OpenAPI specification(s).


TLDR: It did not exist, and we needed it!

  • Amazon does not provide a Typescript, NodeJs, or Javascript library to access their endpoints.
  • Existing implementations, the few that there are, did not include full the full Amazon Ads REST implementation, were not auto-generated based on the schemas, or did not meet our criteria for using open-source software.

How it works

  • An OpenAPI Schema is downloaded from Amazon Ads for each section of the Amazon Ads API.
  • API Classes are generated using the amazing openapi-generator against each schema.
  • Integration Test stubs are auto-generated for every generated API class and function.
  • Documentation is auto-generated and updated based on the latest OpenAPI schema changes.


Packages are released on both Github and NPM.

To install the library:

npm install @whitebox-co/amazon-ads-api

For development, assuming all of the prerequisites have been satisfied.

npm install


There are two distinct parts of this SDK.

  1. Models - The Models contain interfaces and classes that define the individual API endpoint definitions and extend a base API class that ultimately implements Axios calls to the remote endpoint. Sse these classes and models directly when you need to manage the configuration and authorizations yourself.
  2. Clients - The Clients are classes that group multiple APIs into one named group. These API's map directly to the Amazon OpenAPI Swagger definitions. They extend multiple APIs and group all functions of all APIs into a single exported class. These are the main entry points into using the SDK to connect to the remote endpoints.

To properly authorize against each endpoint, the Amazon Ads API requires passing both access tokens and refresh tokens. Our SDK handles this transparently to the end-user by exposing a mechanism to manage the cache and to refresh the access tokens. To take advantage of this, the user must use the getConfiguredApi function to instantiate an individual client.

Preferred Usage

Use this approach when you only need to use a single client. If multiple clients are necessary it is better to use the AmazonAds Class.

import amazonAdsApi, { AttributionClient, AmazonAdsApiConfiguration, setConfiguration } from '@whitebox-co/amazon-ads-api';

// The optional configuration
const configuration: AmazonAdsApiConfiguration = {
    throttling: {
        reservoir: 100,
        reservoirRefreshAmount: 100,
        reservoirRefreshInterval: 60 * 1000,
        maxConcurrent: 5,
        minTime: 333,
	retries: {
		count: 3,    // defaults to 3
        refreshTime: 5000, // in ms. defaults to 5000
        maxWaitTime: 5000, // in ms. defaults to 5000
		retryCallback?: (jobId: string) => { console.log(`Retrying job ${jobId}`); }  // optional
    jobOptions: {
        expiration: 3600 * 1000,
	envoyProxyRateLimitUrl: 'http://localhost:8080' // optional (see

// set the configuration options (totally optional, defaults are set above)

 * Init the amazon ads, attribution client, with client credentials and get back a fully
 * configured instance of the client with token caching built-in.
 * Any subsequent call using the same credentials but a different client
 * will use cached credentials until they expire.
const attributionClient = await amazonAdsApi.getConfiguredApi(AttributionClient, {

 * Example of a GET call to the attribution API.
const response = await attributionClient.getAdvertisersByProfile({
    amazonAdvertisingAPIClientId: '',
    amazonAdvertisingAPIScope: ''

Class-Based Alternative

This approach is better to use when you need multiple client's and only want to have to pass in and configure credentials one time.

import { AmazonAds, AttributionClient } from '@whitebox-co/amazon-ads-api';

// The optional configuration
const configuration: AmazonAdsApiConfiguration = {
    throttling: {
        reservoir: 100,
        reservoirRefreshAmount: 100,
        reservoirRefreshInterval: 60 * 1000,
        maxConcurrent: 5,
        minTime: 333,
	retries: {
		count: 3,    // defaults to 3
        refreshTime: 5000, // in ms. defaults to 5000
        maxWaitTime: 5000, // in ms. defaults to 5000
		retryCallback?: (jobId: string) => { console.log(`Retrying job ${jobId}`); }  // optional
    jobOptions: {
        expiration: 3600 * 1000,
	envoyProxyRateLimitUrl: 'localhost:8080' // optional (see

// The user provided api credentials
const apiCredentials: AmazonAdvertisingAPICredentials = {

 * Init a new instance of the AmazonAds class.
 * This has the advantage of only having to pass in credentials once.
const amazonAdsApi = new AmazonAds(apiCredentials, configuration);

 *  Retrieves a fully authorized instance of the attribution client.
const attributionClient = await amazonAdsApi.getConfiguredApi(AttributionClient);

 * Example of a GET call to the attribution API.
const response = await attributionClient.getAdvertisersByProfile({
    amazonAdvertisingAPIClientId: '',
    amazonAdvertisingAPIScope: ''


There are three different types of documentation included for this repo.

  1. Redoc - Used as an alternative to visiting the amazon ads API site.
  2. SwaggerUI - Used as an alternative to Redoc.
  3. TypeDoc - Typescript type and class documentation of the main library.

Redoc and SwaggerUI documentation included as an alternative to visiting the Amazon Ads developer website.

Viewing Docs

To quickly view the documentation, we have packaged http-server as a dev dependency. Issue any of the following commands to build and view any docs.

npm run docs # or `npm run docs:typedoc`
npm run docs:redoc
npm run docs:swaggerui

Note: http-server will try and serve the docs on port 8080 and will auto-launch your browser to the specified documentation.




npm run build       # build the project (output to ./lib)
npm run dev         # run ts-node-dev to watch and rebuild project while in development.
npm run lint        # runs eslint linter
npm test -- -i/-u -t "<DESCRIBE_OR_IT_NAME>" # Example: npm test -- -i -t "Attribution"

API Generation

API Generation is handled automatically by Github actions. We perform a task daily to check if any of the Amazon Ads APIs have been updated and, if it has, we perform the schema downloads and subsequent API Generation. We then automatically generate the new docs and, a new version of the library is built and deployed to npm.

To manually perform those steps, see the sections below.

Manual Schema Download

Amazon exposes OpenApi 3.0 schemas for most of their APIs. To pull down all of the schemas, run the following:

npm run download-schemas

If changes have occurred to any schema, the new updates will overwrite the existing schemas in the ./docs/schemas directory.

Manual Model Generation

Once you have the schemas downloaded and then you can run the model generation by running the following:

npm run generate-models

Which will then start the generation and processing of all of the schemas and eventually finish with all models created in the src/apis/models directory.

Manual Client Generation

Once you have the models generated, you can run the client generation by running the following:

npm run generate-clients

Which will start the client generation and eventually finish with all clients created in the src/apis/clients directory.

Manual API Generation

If you wish to do all the above generation steps in one go, run the following:

npm run generate-apis

Which will download schemas, generate models, generate clients, generate tests, and output everything to their respective folders. Github actions are currently set up to run this process on a daily basis.

Token Authorization and Caching

Tokens are retrieved from amazon during the LWA (Login With Amazon) authorization process and then get cached until they expire. When the access token expires, the library issues another call to the amazon refresh endpoint to retrieve a new access token.

Any time you request a new API from the amazonAdsApi using the same clientID, the cached credential token will be used to authorize the request.


Please report any issues you find in the Github issues section. We will do our best to address any issue in a timely manner.

Known Issues

  • Some of the Sponsored Brands API models have uNKNOWNBASETYPE?: any in places that the open-api-generator can not properly figure out how to handle the complexities of allOf/anyOf inheritance. This is an issue with open-api-generator and, we have not yet found a workaround. For now, the best solution is to directly consult the OpenApi schema when trying to determine which request params to use for these API calls.
  • Amazon Ads APIs do not always provide schemas for their APIs. In those scenarios we have created our own based of of their text based documentation. You can see which those are by referencing the constants.ts file and looking for the local references of the schemas.
  • Amazon does not always update an existing schema per ads category and in some instances they simply make a new schema altogether and just add it to an existing category. For instance, see Sponsored Brands Campaign vs Sponsored Brands Budget Rules. You will notice that both of these have separate schema definitions. In these scenarios we will append "Extra" to the schema name to signify the differences between these. In the future, the hope is that Amazon will concatenate these into an API under a new version.


Thanks to the following organizations for their help and inspiration.

  • ScaleLeap - For their work on auto-generation of the Selling Partner API, which is our initial inspiration for this project.
  • Whitebox - For their commitment to providing open-source contributions. Without their support, this project would not exist.


Feel free to open PRs. Whitebox is currently using this in our production code, and we will evaluate changes on a case-by-case basis.

See the Contributing documentation for further details.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

See the Code Of Conduct documentation for further details.



A copy of the license is provided in the root directory under LICENSE



  • amazon-ads-api-2.0.0.tgz

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