Demo application to demonstrate how to use the library SmartFactory and the SmartFactory OAuth2 Server.
- Git-clone the demo application and run 'composer update'.
- Use the script database/create_database_mysql.sql (create_database_mysql.sql) to create a demo database necessary for some examples.
- View and study the API documentation in the folder docs or here API documentation and OAuth2 API documentation.
- Study the core code of the library SmartFactory.
Git-clone the demo application and run 'composer update'.
Study the directory structure of the demo application and the code.
Implement your classes and functions.
Bind you classes to the interfaces in the file initialization_inc.php to be able to use the IoC approach for creating objects offered by the library SmartFactory.
Implement you business logic in the root directory or any subdirectory.
Implement the API request handlers for JSON or XML requests if necessary.
Add translation texts for your application over the localization/edit.php or directly into the XML file localization/texts.json. Use the script localization/check.php to check your localization texts for missing translations.
This directory contains the configuration files. This folder is outside of the access per http(s).
This directory is used for logging, debugging and tracing. This folder is outside of the access per http(s).
This directory contains the translation file texts.json and the editor edit.php for user friendly editing of the translation texts, and the file check.php for checking the localization texts for missing translations.
This is the root directory for all code sources.
This directory contains the test units.
This directory contains the SQL scripts for creation of the database for the demo application.
This is the root directory of the application.
This directory contains the processor index.php of the JSON API requests.
This directory contains the processor index.php of the XML API requests.