This package can perform simple polymer dynamics calculations.
Based on the number of base pairs for a given DNA strand, we can extract the following:
- Raw Contour Length,
$L$ - Contour length dependent on salt and staining levels,
$L$ - End-end Distance,
$R_e$ - Ideal radius of Gyration,
$R_g^{\theta}$ - Debye length,
$1/\kappa$ or$\lambda_D$ - Effective width of a DNA molecule,
$w_{eff}$ - Flory radius,
$R_{\nu}$ - Estimated radius of gyration,
In the theory section below, the equations and assumptions for these variables are given.
You need to install the following libraries to run this package:
- pip install numpy >= 1.19, < 2
- pip install matplotlib >= 3.5.2, < 4
- pip install pandas >= 1.3.3, < 2
- pip install seaborn seaborn >= 0.11.2, < 1
Find this package on
pip install -i polymer-dynamics
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The function create_DNA_df() will create a pandas dataframe containing all the variables listed above. The DNA lengths 1,2,5,10,20,48.5 and 165.6 kbp are slected as long as an ionic strength corresponding to 5x TE with a dye to base pair staining ratio at 1:200. The temperature is set to 22 C (which the effective width and Zimm relaxation time depends on).
import polymer_dynamics.dna_functions as dn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#Ionic Strength of 5x TE:
I_5xTE_0BME = 30.993*1e-3 #Molar
#Experiment temperature in Celsius
T_deg_C = 22
#Concentrations list
C_list = np.array([400]) #DNA concentations in ug/mL, useful if one wants the C/C_overlap ratio
#Lengths list
N_bp = np.array([1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 48502, 165600])
#Ionic Strengths list
I_list = np.array([I_5xTE_0BME])
#Create dataframe
df = dn.create_DNA_df(N_bp=N_bp,
I_list = I_list,
staining_list = ['1:200'],
df = df.reset_index()
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.4g' % x)
df[['N_bp','L','I', 'l_p','w_eff_T23C','R_e_ideal','R_g_ideal','R_e_T23C_Flory','R_g_T23C_Flory','c_overlap_ideal','c_overlap_T23C_Flory', 'tau_zimm_low_c','C_ratio_Flory']]
The following table is generated:
N_bp | L | I | l_p | w_eff_T23C | R_e_ideal | R_g_ideal | R_e_T23C_Flory | R_g_T23C_Flory | c_overlap_ideal | c_overlap_T23C_Flory | tau_zimm_low_c | C_ratio_Flory |
1000 | 3.426e-07 | 0.03099 | 5.105e-08 | 5.79e-09 | 1.87e-07 | 7.634e-08 | 1.243e-07 | 5.075e-08 | 579.3 | 1973 | 0.002207 | 0.2028 |
2000 | 6.851e-07 | 0.03099 | 5.105e-08 | 5.79e-09 | 2.645e-07 | 1.08e-07 | 1.868e-07 | 7.626e-08 | 409.6 | 1162 | 0.00749 | 0.3442 |
5000 | 1.713e-06 | 0.03099 | 5.105e-08 | 5.79e-09 | 4.182e-07 | 1.707e-07 | 3.201e-07 | 1.307e-07 | 259.1 | 577.6 | 0.03768 | 0.6925 |
10000 | 3.426e-06 | 0.03099 | 5.105e-08 | 5.79e-09 | 5.914e-07 | 2.414e-07 | 4.81e-07 | 1.964e-07 | 183.2 | 340.3 | 0.1279 | 1.175 |
20000 | 6.851e-06 | 0.03099 | 5.105e-08 | 5.79e-09 | 8.363e-07 | 3.414e-07 | 7.229e-07 | 2.951e-07 | 129.5 | 200.5 | 0.4341 | 1.995 |
48502 | 1.661e-05 | 0.03099 | 5.105e-08 | 5.79e-09 | 1.302e-06 | 5.317e-07 | 1.217e-06 | 4.967e-07 | 83.18 | 102 | 2.07 | 3.921 |
165600 | 5.673e-05 | 0.03099 | 5.105e-08 | 5.79e-09 | 2.406e-06 | 9.824e-07 | 2.504e-06 | 1.022e-06 | 45.02 | 39.96 | 18.04 | 10.01 |
The length of a single base pair,
In the freely-jointed chain (FJC) model, a polymer is seen as a chain of N stiff, rod-like segments, with no limitations in the bond angles. With this model, DNA is seen as a random-walk where the segments have equal probability to fluctuate in all directions. The segment length is called the Kuhn length, b, and is two times the persistence length:
The contour length, L, is the length at full extension and is given by the product of the Kuhn length and the number of Kuhn segments:
The number of Kuhn segments,
We assume the persistence length of raw DNA to be 50 nm [Dorfman, 2013].
The ionic strength,
where the one half is added to include both anions and cations,
The persistence length,
where $ l_p^{'} \approx 50$ nm is the bare persistence length.
An alternative, later model is given by Dobrynin. The persistence length,
In this work, however, OSF-theory is used to model the length-increase by ionic strength.
Reisner et al., (2007) showed how the length of DNA-strands doubled when going a medium with high salt to low salt. They used the OSF-theory to explain their results [Reisner, 2007].
Kundukad et al. (Doyle group)showed that the persistence length remains unaffected with the addition of YOYO-1 intercalating dyes [Kundakad 2014].
The contour length is increased with 0.51±0.14 nm for every incorporated dye molecule [Günther 2010]. For a staining ratio of 1 dye molecule per 10 base pairs, we get a 15% increase in the contour length. For a ratio of 1:4 we get a 37.5% increase.
Kundukad et al. (Doyle group) showed in 2014 using atomic force microscopy measurements that the persistence length of DNA does not change when YOYO-1 intercalates. Their measurements indicates that at the maximum staining ratio of 1 YOYO per 4 base pairs, the length of DNA increases by 38%. This is equivalent to 0.5 nm increase per bound YOYO molecule.
The results of Kundukad et al. [Kundukad, 2014] contend the claim by Reisner et al. [Reisner, 2007] where they argued that the persistence length should increase with the same factor as
The number of Kuhn segments,
We can then use the function get_contour_length() to extract the contour length for any DNA length and staining ratio
import polymer_dynamics.dna_functions as dn
N_bp = 48500 #number of base pairs
staining_ratio = 200 #1:200 staining ratio
L = dn.get_contour_length(N_bp, staining_ratio)
print(f'{L*10**6:.1f} um')
16.6 um
The worm-like chain (WLC) model (also called the Kratky-Porod model) describes the DNA dynamics more more accurately compared to the FJC-model by defining the polymer as semi-flexible. It means that the chain is stiff at the length scale of a monomer but flexible at the length scale of the entire polymer. The angle of a single segment affects the angle of its neighbour compared to FJC where the angles of segments are completely unrelated. The WLC model can be said to describe a polymer as a continuously flexible isotropic rod. The end-end distance of the polymer,
Another way to characterize the size of a polymer is with the radius of gyration,
import polymer_dynamics.dna_functions as dn
import numpy as np
N_bp = 48500 #number of base pairs
staining_ratio = 200 #1:200 staining ratio
#Ionic Strength of 5x TE:
I_5xTE_0BME = 30.993*1e-3 #Molar
#The persistence length
l_p = dn.get_l_p_OSF(I_5xTE_0BME)
#The Kuhn length
b = 2*l_p
#The number of Kuhn segments
N = dn.get_Number_of_Kuhn_Segments(staining_ratio, b=b, N_bp = N_bp)
#The ideal end-to-end distance
R_e_ideal = b * np.sqrt(N)
#The ideal radius of gyration
R_g_ideal = R_e_ideal/np.sqrt(6)
print('The persistence length is {:.1f} nm'.format(l_p*10**9))
print('The number of Kuhn segments is {:.1f}'.format(N))
print('The ideal end-to-end distance is {:.1f} um'.format(R_e_ideal*10**6))
print('The ideal radius of gyration is {:.2f} um'.format(R_g_ideal*10**6))
The persistence length is 51.0 nm
The number of Kuhn segments is 162.7
The ideal end-to-end distance is 1.3 um
The ideal radius of gyration is 0.53 um
It is important to note that most experiments conducted on the polymer physics of DNA use excess salt to screen the electrostatic interactions.
When the other effects are also included, the following expression for the end-end distance is given:
Iarko et al. calculated the effective width of DNA at 5 x TBE to be 4.6 nm. [Iarko, 2015]. This value is the same as I end up with in the calculation below.
import polymer_dynamics.dna_functions as dn
N_bp = 48500 #number of base pairs
#Ionic Strength of 5x TE:
I_5xTE_0BME = 30.993*1e-3 #Molar
#Experiment temperature in Celsius
T_deg_C = 22
#The persistence length
l_p = dn.get_l_p_OSF(I_5xTE_0BME)
#The Kuhn length
b = 2*l_p
#The effective width
w_eff = dn.calc_w_eff(I_5xTE_0BME, T_deg_C=T_deg_C)
#The number of Kuhn segments
N = dn.get_Number_of_Kuhn_Segments(staining_ratio, b=b, N_bp = N_bp)
#The Flory radius
R_flory = dn.calc_Flory_radius(w_eff, l_p,b,N)
print('The Flory radius is {:.2f} um'.format(R_flory*10**6))
The Flory radius is 1.22 um
The relation between the volume fraction of a polymer solution, i.e. the ratio of the volume of the polymer in the solution to the volume of the solution is related to the mass concentration of the polymer, the ratio of the polymer mass to the volyme of the solution is given by:
The volume fraction of a single molecule inside its pervaded volume (pervaded volume = the volume spanned by the polymer chain,
In other words, the concentration when the solution concentration is equal to that of the pervaded volume of a single polymer.
import polymer_dynamics.dna_functions as dn
import numpy as np
N_bp = 48500 #number of base pairs
staining_ratio = 200 #1:200 staining ratio
#Ionic Strength of 5x TE:
I_5xTE_0BME = 30.993*1e-3 #Molar
#The persistence length
l_p = dn.get_l_p_OSF(I_5xTE_0BME)
#The Kuhn length
b = 2*l_p
#The number of Kuhn segments
N = dn.get_Number_of_Kuhn_Segments(staining_ratio, b=b, N_bp = N_bp)
#The ideal end-to-end distance
R_e_ideal = b * np.sqrt(N)
#The ideal radius of gyration
R_g_ideal = R_e_ideal/np.sqrt(6)
c_overlap = dn.RadiusToExpOverlapConc(N_bp, R_g_ideal)
print('The overlap concentration is {:.2f} ug/mL'.format(c_overlap))
The overlap concentration is 83.18 uM
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Hsieh, C. C., Balducci, A., & Doyle, P. S. (2008). Ionic effects on the equilibrium dynamics of DNA confined in nanoslits. Nano letters, 8(6), 1683-1688.
Iarko, V., Werner, E., Nyberg, L. K., Müller, V., Fritzsche, J., Ambjörnsson, T., ... & Mehlig, B. (2015). Extension of nanoconfined DNA: Quantitative comparison between experiment and theory. Physical review E, 92(6), 062701.
Kundukad, B., Yan, J., & Doyle, P. S. (2014). Effect of YOYO-1 on the mechanical properties of DNA. Soft matter, 10(48), 9721-9728.
Montes, R. J., Ladd, A. J., & Butler, J. E. (2019). Transverse migration and microfluidic concentration of DNA using Newtonian buffers. Biomicrofluidics, 13(4).
Reisner, W., Beech, J. P., Larsen, N. B., Flyvbjerg, H., Kristensen, A., & Tegenfeldt, J. O. (2007). Nanoconfinement-enhanced conformational response of single DNA molecules to changes in ionic environment. Physical review letters, 99(5), 058302.