Code navigation sidebar. Instantly find your way around any file.
- Listing Symbols - uses LSP servers and Treesitter parsers.
- Fuzzy Search - quickly find symbols.
- Preview Window - peek at code before jumping, edit in place if needed.
- Symbol Details - display symbol details inline or in a pop-up for extra context.
- Dynamic Settings - change settings on the fly without restarting Neovim.
- Custom Display Rules - configurable filtering and display formatting per language.
- Preserving Folds - keeps your sidebar folds in tact on updates (most of the time).
- Mouse Support - works with mouse.
- Neovim 0.10+
- LSP servers for desired languages
- Treesitter parsers (see Supported Languages)
Using lazy.nvim:
config = function()
local r = require("")
require("symbols").setup(r.DefaultFilters, r.AsciiSymbols, {
-- custom settings here
-- e.g. hide_cursor = false
vim.keymap.set("n", ",s", "<cmd> Symbols<CR>")
vim.keymap.set("n", ",S", "<cmd> SymbolsClose<CR>")
The main branch is used for development and may introduce breaking changes without warning. For a more stable experience use tags (e.g. "v0.1.0") with you plugin manager.
There are two sources of symbols that are displayed in the sidebar:
- LSP servers configured by the user (for example with mason.nvim)
- Treesitter parsers installed by the user (for example with
Virtually any LSP server should work with the sidebar.
Languages supported through treesitter (Treesitter parser name in brackets):
- Markdown (markdown)
- Vimdoc (vimdoc)
- Org (org)
- JSON (json)
- JSON Lines (json)
- Makefile (make)
When a language is supported by both sources, the LSP servers take precedence over Treesitter.
Press ?
in the sidebar to see the available keymaps or run :help symbols
Press s
to start a fuzzy search. Use <S-Tab>
and <Tab>
to go up and down
the search results list without leaving the prompt window or navigate the search
history with <C-j>
and <C-k>
. Go to symbol with <Cr>
or press <Esc>
focus the search results window and peek symbols with o
. Press <Esc>
to go back to the symbols list or press q
to close the sidebar.
Press the preview window keymap (by default "K") once to open it, the second time to jump to it. You can now move around the buffer and make changes. Press "q" to close the window or jump to the sidebar if auto preview is on. Yes, this means that by default you can't record macros in the preview window.
How to remove a default keymap? Just set the value to nil
A lot of settings can be changed on the fly by using keymaps starting with "t". For example, try out "td" to toggle inline details, "t=" to toggle sidebar auto resizing or "tp" to toggle auto preview.
By pressing "td" you can show inline details which are provided by some LSP servers. They give useful information about certain symbols. For instance, for a function the details might be the function params, for a variable it might be the initial value. Examples of languages that have nice support for details are Lua, Go and Rust. On the flip side, Javascript and Python do not show any details.
Sometimes you want to get to a deeply nested symbol and unfold all the symbols on the way. To do that for the symbol under the cursor in the source window press "gs" when in the sidebar. Other useful mappings for more advanced navigation are:
- "[[" and "]]" to go to the previous and next symbol on the same level. Can be used with a count.
- "gp" to go to parent symbol, can be used with a count.
- "L"/"zO" and "H"/"zC" for recursively opening and closing folds under the cursor . Useful for changing only part of the tree, whereas "zr", "zR", "zm" and "zM" affect the whole tree.
You can navigate the sidebar with a mouse. Left click to select a symbol, double click to toggle fold, right click to peek the symbol.
A command designed to be used as your main mapping. Opens the Symbols sidebar and jumps to it unless called with the bang (!
). If called when the sidebar is already open then jumps to it regardless of the bang. When called in a sidebar jumps back to the source code.:SymbolsToggle[!]
An alternative main mapping. Opens the sidebar and jumps to it unless called with the bang (!
). Closes the sidebar if already open.:SymbolsOpen[!]
Opens the sidebar and jumps to it unless called with the bang (!
Closes the sidebar.
To use the plugin you must run the setup function: require("symbols").setup()
Setup function takes any number of config arguments which will be merged with
the default config.
There are a few predefined recipes (configs) that you can use:
- DefaultFilters - filters out excessive symbols. For example, the Lua LSP
server provides a symbol for each
and they are discarded by this config. - AsciiSymbols - symbol kind displayed as text. For instance, "Function" kind might be displayed as "fun", "fn", "func" or "def" depending on the language.
- FancySymbols - symbol kind will be displated as an icon. Needs
The recipes are available in
Default config below.
sidebar = {
-- Hide the cursor when in sidebar.
hide_cursor = true,
-- Side on which the sidebar will open, available options:
-- try-left Opens to the left of the current window if there are no
-- windows there. Otherwise opens to the right.
-- try-right Opens to the right of the current window if there are no
-- windows there. Otherwise opens to the left.
-- right Always opens to the right of the current window.
-- left Always opens to the left of the current window.
open_direction = "try-left",
-- Whether to run `wincmd =` after opening a sidebar.
on_open_make_windows_equal = true,
-- Whether the cursor in the sidebar should automatically follow the
-- cursor in the source window. Does not unfold the symbols. You can jump
-- to symbol with unfolding with "gs" by default.
cursor_follow = true,
auto_resize = {
-- When enabled the sidebar will be resized whenever the view changes.
-- For example, after folding/unfolding symbols, after toggling inline details
-- or whenever the source file is saved.
enabled = true,
-- The sidebar will never be auto resized to a smaller width then `min_width`.
min_width = 20,
-- The sidebar will never be auto resized to a larger width then `max_width`.
max_width = 40,
-- Default sidebar width.
fixed_width = 30,
-- Allows to filter symbols. By default all the symbols are shown.
symbol_filter = function(filetype, symbol) return true end,
-- Show inline details by default.
show_inline_details = false,
-- Show details floating window at all times.
show_details_pop_up = false,
-- When enabled every symbol will be automatically peeked after cursor
-- movement.
auto_peek = false,
-- Whether the sidebar should unfold the target buffer on goto
-- This simply sends a zv after the zz
unfold_on_goto = false,
-- Whether to close the sidebar on goto symbol.
close_on_goto = false,
-- Whether the sidebar should wrap text.
wrap = false,
-- Whether to show the guide lines.
show_guide_lines = true,
chars = {
folded = "",
unfolded = "",
guide_vert = "│",
guide_middle_item = "├",
guide_last_item = "└",
-- use this highlight group for the guide lines
hl = "Comment"
-- Config for the preview window.
preview = {
-- Whether the preview window is always opened when the sidebar is
-- focused.
show_always = false,
-- Whether the preview window should show line numbers.
show_line_number = false,
-- Whether to determine the preview window's height automatically.
auto_size = true,
-- The total number of extra lines shown in the preview window.
auto_size_extra_lines = 6,
-- Minimum window height when `auto_size` is true.
min_window_height = 7,
-- Maximum window height when `auto_size` is true.
max_window_height = 30,
-- Preview window size when `auto_size` is false.
fixed_size_height = 12,
-- Desired preview window width. Actuall width will be capped at
-- the current width of the source window width.
window_width = 100,
-- Keymaps for actions in the preview window. Available actions:
-- close: Closes the preview window.
-- goto-code: Changes window to the source code and moves cursor to
-- the same position as in the preview window.
-- Note: goto-code is not set by default because the most natual
-- key would be Enter but some people already have that key mapped.
keymaps = {
["q"] = "close",
-- Keymaps for actions in the sidebar. All available actions are used
-- in the default keymaps.
keymaps = {
-- Jumps to symbol in the source window.
["<CR>"] = "goto-symbol",
-- Jumps to symbol in the source window but the cursor stays in the
-- sidebar.
["<RightMouse>"] = "peek-symbol",
["o"] = "peek-symbol",
-- Opens a floating window with symbol preview.
["K"] = "open-preview",
-- Opens a floating window with symbol details.
["d"] = "open-details-window",
-- In the sidebar jumps to symbol under the cursor in the source
-- window. Unfolds all the symbols on the way.
["gs"] = "show-symbol-under-cursor",
-- Jumps to parent symbol. Can be used with a count, e.g. "3gp"
-- will go 3 levels up.
["gp"] = "goto-parent",
-- Jumps to the previous symbol at the same nesting level.
["[["] = "prev-symbol-at-level",
-- Jumps to the next symbol at the same nesting level.
["]]"] = "next-symbol-at-level",
-- Unfolds the symbol under the cursor.
["l"] = "unfold",
["zo"] = "unfold",
-- Unfolds the symbol under the cursor and all its descendants.
["L"] = "unfold-recursively",
["zO"] = "unfold-recursively",
-- Reduces folding by one level. Can be used with a count,
-- e.g. "3zr" will unfold 3 levels.
["zr"] = "unfold-one-level",
-- Unfolds all symbols in the sidebar.
["zR"] = "unfold-all",
-- Folds the symbol under the cursor.
["h"] = "fold",
["zc"] = "fold",
-- Folds the symbol under the cursor and all its descendants.
["H"] = "fold-recursively",
["zC"] = "fold-recursively",
-- Increases folding by one level. Can be used with a count,
-- e.g. "3zm" will fold 3 levels.
["zm"] = "fold-one-level",
-- Folds all symbols in the sidebar.
["zM"] = "fold-all",
-- Start fuzzy search.
["s"] = "search",
-- Toggles inline details (see sidebar.show_inline_details).
["td"] = "toggle-inline-details",
-- Toggles auto details floating window (see sidebar.show_details_pop_up).
["tD"] = "toggle-auto-details-window",
-- Toggles auto preview floating window.
["tp"] = "toggle-auto-preview",
-- Toggles cursor hiding (see sidebar.auto_resize.
["tch"] = "toggle-cursor-hiding",
-- Toggles cursor following (see sidebar.cursor_follow).
["tcf"] = "toggle-cursor-follow",
-- Toggles symbol filters allowing the user to see all the symbols
-- given by the provider.
["tf"] = "toggle-filters",
-- Toggles automatic peeking on cursor movement (see sidebar.auto_peek).
["to"] = "toggle-auto-peek",
-- Toggles closing on goto symbol (see sidebar.close_on_goto).
["tg"] = "toggle-close-on-goto",
-- Toggles automatic sidebar resizing (see sidebar.auto_resize).
["t="] = "toggle-auto-resize",
-- Decrease auto resize max width by 5. Works with a count.
["t["] = "decrease-max-width",
-- Increase auto resize max width by 5. Works with a count.
["t]"] = "increase-max-width",
-- Toggle fold of the symbol under the cursor.
["<2-LeftMouse>"] = "toggle-fold",
-- Close the sidebar window.
["q"] = "close",
-- Show help.
["?"] = "help",
["g?"] = "help",
providers = {
lsp = {
timeout_ms = 1000,
details = {},
kinds = { default = {} },
highlights = {
default = { }
treesitter = {
details = {},
kinds = { default = {} },
highlights = {
default = {}
dev = {
enabled = false,
log_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR,
keymaps = {},
There is now a (currently very simple) API available to control the Sidebar from LUA
---perform any action defined in SidebarAction
---@param act SidebarAction[]
action = function(act)
local sidebar = apisupport_getsidebar()
if sidebar ~= nil and sidebar_actions[act] ~= nil then
---manually refresh the symbols in the current sidebar
refresh_symbols = function()
local sidebar = apisupport_getsidebar()
if sidebar ~= nil then
The available actions can be obtained by calling
For example, to unfold the entire tree you would call: