Full stack academic SOTIS project. A web application for managing student quizzes, incorporating Natural Language Processing (NLP) for the Serbian language.
- Schedule quizzes for both students and teachers
- Quiz management system
- Evaluate quizzes using Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- PostgreSQL database
- Angular
- Flask (including SQLAlchemy)
- PostgresSQL
- Python
To start the Flask application, make sure you have a Postgres database ready. In the application config.py file set up username and password for your postgres user (you can make a new one or use the default user posgtres). After starting the application, it will be available on default Flask port 5000.
For the Angular application install all dependecies (npm install) and have the backend running.
In config.py set up your openai api key and organisation
- Teacher : pera123 password: sifra123
- Student : zoki123 password: sifra123