Utility for rlp-encoding and signing new EIP-2718 typed transactions for testing
Currently supports type 0x2
and type 0x4
accepts json formatted transactions. A typical EIP-1559 transaction is defined as:
"chainId": 1,
"nonce": 10,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": 373223425,
"maxFeePerGas": 34714654540,
"gasLimit": 63221,
"destination": "0x695461EF560Fa4d3a3e7332c9bfcEC261c11a1B6",
"amount": 0,
"data": "0x",
"accessList": [
"address": "0x8DfDf61F2Eb938b207c228b01a2918b196992ABf",
"storageKeys": [
A signed EIP-1559 tx can be created from this:
cat eip1559_tx_file | tx-util encode-tx --tx-type 2 --signer 0x...
can also sign EIP-7702 transactions and their authorizations.
"chainId": 1,
"nonce": 0,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": 373223425,
"maxFeePerGas": 34714654540,
"gasLimit": 63221,
"destination": "0x695461EF560Fa4d3a3e7332c9bfcEC261c11a1B6",
"amount": 0,
"data": "0x",
"accessList": [
"address": "0x8DfDf61F2Eb938b207c228b01a2918b196992ABf",
"storageKeys": [
"authorizationList": [
"chainId": 1,
"address": "0xD571b8bcd11dF08F0459009Dd1bd664127A431Ee",
"nonce": 2
"chainId": 1,
"address": "0xD571b8bcd11dF08F0459009Dd1bd664127A431Ee",
"nonce": null
The number of --authorizer
must match the number of items in the authorization_list
cat eip7702_auth_file | tx-util encode-tx --tx-type 4 \
--signer 0x... \
--authorizer 0x... \
--authorizer 0x...
Installation requires the rust toolchain:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
can be installed with cargo
cd /path/to/repo
cargo install --path .
cargo uninstall tx-util
This utility has not been checked for correctness and should not be used to generate transactions for mainnet. It is for testing purposes only.
Issues and PRs are welcome. We can also be reached at gm@otim.xyz
if you have any additional questions.