This is a Point cloud process examples for the newcomers.
Created by ou.
This code is tested on ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic.
- The dependence of in code
are Python 2.7 and Open3D 0.9. - For the
package is C++ and PCL.
First, clone this repository to our local environment:
$ git clone
Then, play the rosbag file to enable the topic of the point cloud:
$ roscore
$ rosbag play -l bagfile.bag
After that, you can check the visualization of the point cloud by rviz:
$ rviz
To view the point cloud, you should press the Add button, then By Topic and select the '/points2' topics, finally do not forget to change the fixed frame to 'camera_base'.
You may see the interface like this:
If you use the python with open3d, you can run the script by typing:
$ python 1.0 0.01
You may get the result of plane detection like this:
The green part represents the plane component in the scene point cloud. (In real world, it is the wall) See the detail of parameters in the code and try to adjust them to observe change of the result.
If you use the c++ with PCL, you should firstly put the pcl_plane_detection
package in your workspace:
$ cp -r pcl_plane_detection /your_workspace/src/
$ catkin build pcl_plane_detection
$ source ./devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun pcl_plane_detection pcl_plane_detection 1.5 0.01
Then, go back to the rviz, and press Add -> By Topic -> add the '/Plane_region' to the rviz interface.
The result will be like this:
Again, you can adjust the two parameters and see the change of the detection result.