CatalogObjectEntity Catalog API
API version: 1.0"
Build date: 2024-02-12T10:49:33.729424-05:00[America/New_York]
The purpose of the catalog is to store ProActive objects.
A catalog is subdivided into buckets.
Each bucket manages zero, one or more versioned ProActive objects.
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.8+
- Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
repositories {
mavenCentral() // Needed if the 'openapi-java-client' jar has been published to maven central.
mavenLocal() // Needed if the 'openapi-java-client' jar has been published to the local maven repo.
dependencies {
implementation "org.openapitools:openapi-java-client:1.0""
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
To add a HTTP proxy for the API client, use ClientConfig
import org.glassfish.jersey.apache.connector.ApacheConnectorProvider;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties;
import org.ow2.proactive.catalog.client.*;
import org.ow2.proactive.catalog.client.api.BucketControllerApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ClientConfig clientConfig = defaultClient.getClientConfig();
clientConfig.connectorProvider(new ApacheConnectorProvider());, "http://proxy_url_here");, "proxy_username");, "proxy_password");
BucketControllerApi apiInstance = new BucketControllerApi(defaultClient);
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import org.ow2.proactive.catalog.client.*;
import org.ow2.proactive.catalog.client.auth.*;
import org.ow2.proactive.catalog.client.model.*;
import org.ow2.proactive.catalog.client.api.BucketControllerApi;
public class BucketControllerApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
BucketControllerApi apiInstance = new BucketControllerApi(defaultClient);
String sessionID = "sessionID_example"; // String | sessionID
String owner = "owner_example"; // String | The name of the user who owns the Bucket
String kind = "kind_example"; // String | The kind(s) of objects that buckets must contain.<br />Multiple kinds can be specified using comma separators
String contentType = "contentType_example"; // String | The Content-Type of objects that buckets must contain
String objectTag = "objectTag_example"; // String | The tag of objects that buckets must contain
String associationStatus = "ALL"; // String | The buckets must contain objects which have the given job-planner association status.<br />Can be ALL, PLANNED, DEACTIVATED, FAILED or UNPLANNED.<br />ALL will filter objects which have an association with any status.<br />UNPLANNED will filter objects without any association.
String objectName = "objectName_example"; // String | The name of objects that buckets must contain
String bucketName = "bucketName_example"; // String | The bucket name contains the value of this parameter (case insensitive)
String projectName = "projectName_example"; // String | Include only objects whose project name contains the given string.
String lastCommitBy = "lastCommitBy_example"; // String | Include only objects whose last commit belong to the given user.
Long lastCommitTimeGreater = 0L; // Long | Include only objects whose last commit time is greater than the given EPOCH time.
Long lastCommitTimeLessThan = 0L; // Long | Include only objects whose last commit time is less than the given EPOCH time.
String allBuckets = "false"; // String | If true, buckets without objects matching the filters will be returned with objectCount=0. Default is false
try {
List<BucketMetadata> result = apiInstance.callList(sessionID, owner, kind, contentType, objectTag, associationStatus, objectName, bucketName, projectName, lastCommitBy, lastCommitTimeGreater, lastCommitTimeLessThan, allBuckets);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling BucketControllerApi#callList");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BucketControllerApi | callList | GET /buckets | Lists the buckets |
BucketControllerApi | cleanEmpty | DELETE /buckets | Delete the empty buckets |
BucketControllerApi | create | POST /buckets | Creates a new bucket |
BucketControllerApi | delete | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName} | Delete an empty bucket |
BucketControllerApi | getMetadata | GET /buckets/{bucketName} | Gets a bucket's metadata by ID |
BucketControllerApi | updateBucketOwner | PUT /buckets/{bucketName} | Update bucket owner |
BucketGrantControllerApi | createBucketGrantForAGroup | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/group | Create a new user group grant access for a bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | createBucketGrantForAUser | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/user | Create a new user grant access for a bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | deleteAllBucketGrantsAssignedToABucket | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/grant | Delete all grants assigned to a bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | deleteAllGrantsForABucketAndItsObjects | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/all | Delete all grants associated with a bucket and all objects contained in this bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | deleteBucketGrantForAGroup | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/group | Delete a group grant access for a bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | deleteBucketGrantForAUser | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/user | Delete a user grant access for a bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | getAllGrantsForABucket | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/grant | Get all grants associated with a bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | getAllGrantsForABucketAndItsObjects | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/all | Get all grants associated with a bucket and all objects contained in this bucket |
BucketGrantControllerApi | updateBucketGrantForAGroup | PUT /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/group | Update the access type of an existing group bucket grant |
BucketGrantControllerApi | updateBucketGrantForAUser | PUT /buckets/{bucketName}/grant/user | Update the access type of an existing user bucket grant |
CatalogObjectCallGraphControllerApi | getCallGraph | GET /buckets/call-graph | Get the call graph of all catalog objects in a PDF report |
CatalogObjectCallGraphControllerApi | getCallGraphForSelectedObjects | GET /buckets/call-graph/selected/{bucketName} | Get the call graph of selected catalog objects in a bucket |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | create1 | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/resources | Creates a new catalog object |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | delete1 | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name} | Delete a catalog object |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | exportCatalogObjects | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/export | Export catalog objects as a plain zip archive or a ProActive Catalog Package |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | get | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name} | Gets a catalog object's metadata by IDs |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | getDependencies | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name}/dependencies | Gets dependencies (dependsOn and calledBy) of a catalog object |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | getRaw1 | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name}/raw | Gets the raw content of the last revision of a catalog object |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | importCatalogObjects | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/import | Import an archive, either a plain zip or a ProActive Catalog package |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | list1 | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources | Lists catalog objects metadata |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | listCatalogObjectNameReference | GET /buckets/references | Lists catalog object name references by kind and Content-Type |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | listContentTypes | GET /buckets/content-types | Lists all Content-Types for all objects |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | listKinds | GET /buckets/kinds | Lists all kinds for all objects |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | listObjectTags | GET /buckets/tags | Lists all tags values for all objects stored in the catalog |
CatalogObjectControllerApi | updateObjectMetadata | PUT /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name} | Update a catalog object metadata, like kind, Content-Type, project name and tags |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | createCatalogObjectGrantForAGroup | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant/group | Create a new group grant for a catalog object |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | createCatalogObjectGrantForAUser | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant/user | Create a new user grant for a catalog object |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | deleteAllCatalogObjectGrants | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant | Delete all grant associated with a catalog object |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | deleteCatalogObjectGrantForAGroup | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant/group | Delete a user group grant access for a catalog object |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | deleteCatalogObjectGrantForAUser | DELETE /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant/user | Delete a user grant access for a catalog object |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | getAllCreatedCatalogObjectGrantsByAdmins | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant | Get all grants associated with a catalog object |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | updateCatalogObjectGrantForAGroup | PUT /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant/group | Update a user group grant access for a catalog object |
CatalogObjectGrantControllerApi | updateCatalogObjectGrantForAUser | PUT /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{catalogObjectName}/grant/user | Update a user grant access for a catalog object |
CatalogObjectReportControllerApi | getReport | GET /buckets/report | Get list of catalog objects in a PDF report file |
CatalogObjectReportControllerApi | getReportForSelectedObjects | POST /buckets/report/selected/{bucketName} | Get list of selected catalog objects in a PDF report file |
CatalogObjectRevisionControllerApi | create2 | POST /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name}/revisions | Creates a new catalog object revision |
CatalogObjectRevisionControllerApi | get1 | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name}/revisions/{commitTimeRaw} | Gets a specific revision |
CatalogObjectRevisionControllerApi | getRaw | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name}/revisions/{commitTimeRaw}/raw | Gets the raw content of a specific revision |
CatalogObjectRevisionControllerApi | list2 | GET /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name}/revisions | Lists a catalog object revisions |
CatalogObjectRevisionControllerApi | restore | PUT /buckets/{bucketName}/resources/{name}/revisions/{commitTimeRaw} | Restore a catalog object revision |
GraphqlControllerApi | executeOperation | POST /graphql |
- AllBucketGrants
- BucketGrantMetadata
- BucketMetadata
- CatalogObjectDependencies
- CatalogObjectGrantMetadata
- CatalogObjectID
- CatalogObjectMetadata
- CatalogObjectMetadataList
- CatalogObjectNameReference
- DependsOnCatalogObject
- JobVariable
- Link
- Metadata
- ModificationHistoryData
Endpoints do not require authorization.
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.