Boilerplate for building an API on top of dropshot.
Writing user and access code can be tedious. It would be nice if you could inject a batch of routes in to an existing dropshot server and get an API for handling users and access groups out.
The crate assumes that the hosting application is using a Postgres database or can provide a connection to one. Want a different backend? Please contribute, it will be gladly welcome.
The v-model
crate contains diesel migrations for initializing the necessary
tables in a database. v-model-installer
exposes embedded migrations via diesel_migrations.
To add the endpoints in to the hosting server:
- Derive the
permission traits for your Permission enum. You can use the built-in macro:
use v_api::permissions::VPermission;
use v_api_permission_derive::v_api;
pub enum MyPermission {
// ...
Or implement the VAppPermission
trait yourself:
pub trait VAppPermission: Permission + From<VPermission> + AsScope + PermissionStorage {}
- Implement the
trait for your server context. This trait is how you communicate tov-api
where yourVContext
struct can be located.
impl ApiContext for MyContext {
type AppPermissions = MyPermission;
fn v_ctx(&self) -> &VContext<Self::AppPermissions> {
- Use the injection macros to register the
endpoints. Note that these must both be used within the same file.
use v_api::{inject_endpoints, v_system_endpoints};
let context = MyContext::new();
/// ...
let mut api = ApiDescription::new().tag_config(/** ... **/);
The following endpoints are injected by the inject_endpoints
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /oauth/client | Vliew all OAuth clients |
POST | /oauth/client | Create a new OAuth client |
GET | /oauth/client/{client_id} | View an individual OAuth client |
POST | /oauth/client/{client_id}/secret | Create a new secret for an OAuth client |
DELETE | /oauth/client/{client_id}/secret/{secret_id} | Delete an existing secret from an OAuth client |
POST | /oauth/client/{client_id}/redirect_uri | Add a redirect URI to an OAuth cleint |
DELETE | /oauth/client/{client_id}/redirect_uri/{redirect_uri_id} | Delete an existing redirect URI from an OAuth client |
GET | /#/oauth/{provider}/code/authorize | Start an OAuth authorization_code flow |
GET | /#/oauth/{provider}/code/callback | Internal url for handling return calls from external OAuth providers |
POST | /#/oauth/{provider}/code/token | Complete an authorization_code flow by exchanging an authorization code for an access token |
GET | /#/oauth/{provider}/device | Start an OAuth device_code flow |
POST | /#/oauth/{provider}/device/exchange | Complete a device_code flow by exchanging a request for an access token |
GET | /.well-known/openid-configuration | Retrive OpenID configuartion information. Specifically the jwks url |
GET | /.well-known/jwks.json | Retrieve JWKS for verifying access tokens |
GET | /self | View information about the calling user |
GET | /api-user/{identifier} | View information about a specific user |
POST | /api-user | Create a new user |
POST | /api-user/{identifier} | Update information on an existing user |
GET | /api-user/{identifier}/token | View all API tokens for an existing user |
POST | /api-user/{identifier}/token | Create a new API token for an existing user |
GET | /api-user/{identifier}/token/{token_identifier} | View an existing API token |
DELETE | /api-user/{identifier}/token/{token_identifier} | Delete an existing API token |
POST | /api-user/{identifier}/group | Add an existing user to a group |
DELETE | /api-user/{identifier}/group/{group_id} | Remove an existing user from a group |
POST | /api-user/{identifier}/link | TBD |
POST | /api-user-provider/{identifier}/link-token | TBD |
GET | /group | View all groups |
POST | /group | Create a new group |
PUT | /group/{group_id} | Update an existing group |
DELETE | /group/{group_id} | Delete an existing group |
GET | /mapper | View all mappers |
POST | /mapper | Create a new mapper |
DELETE | /mapper/{identifier} | Delete and existing mapper |
We're open to PRs that improve these services, especially if they make the repo easier for others to use and contribute to. However, we are a small company, and the primary goal of this repo is as an internal tool for Oxide, so we can't guarantee that PRs will be integrated.
Unless otherwise noted, all components are licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.