- REQUIREMENTS - Maven 2.2.1 installed
- Create your own Pivotal Commercial Maven Repository (vCMR) account at https://commercial-repo.pivotal.io.
- Add/Modify the pom.xml to add a repository as shown below and in the vCMR.
- Add/Modify the ~/.m2/settings.xml to add your username and password for the repository.
To demonstrate the creation and use of a basic embedded tc Runtime instance using the Pivotal Commercial Maven Repository to pull down the tc Server artifacts in a Maven project.
<name>tc Runtime release repository</name>
NOTE: Make sure the repository <id> and the server <id> match.
<username>!-- Username --!</username>
<password>!-- Insert your decrypted password (which we don't have) --!</password>
- Result This will startup a self contained tc Runtime instance with a "Hello, World" webapp on port 8080. It will also listen on port 1099 for incoming jmx connections.
mvn clean compile assembly:single
java -jar target/example-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Full tc Server Documentation can me found at http://tcserver.docs.pivotal.io/
More on embedded tc Server can be found at http://tcserver.docs.pivotal.io/docs-tcserver/topics/postinstall-getting-started.html#postinstall-embedding-tc-server