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  • İzmir, Turkey

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Jason Lengstorf jlengstorf
I make tv for developers. Creator of Web Dev Challenge, Leet Heat, Learn With Jason, and more. Building for the web for over 20 years.

@codetv-dev Portland, Oregon

Kanitkorn Sujautra lukyth
💻 Software Engineer 🏠 Bangkok to Tokyo 🎮 Gamer 🐱 Love cats

@indeedeng Tokyo, Japan

Titus wooorm
making it easier for developers to develop in javascript and rust · syntax trees, · markup

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Brian Vaughn bvaughn
Turning coffee into software. Formerly developer tooling at @replayio, React core at @facebook, and @google.

Citadel Brooklyn, NY

Ryan Nystrom rnystrom
building @makenotion

@makenotion Brooklyn, NY

Ilango 0xi4o

Bangalore, India

Gergely Nemeth gergelyke

DoorDash San Francisco

Jay Phelps jayphelps

Shared Client Foundations @ Netflix

Nicolas Charpentier charpeni
⚙️ Developer Experience enthusiast

@useshortcut Canada

Joe Haddad Timer
Senior Software Engineer at Vercel. Previously maintainer of Next.js and Create React App.

@vercel Medina, Ohio

Ricky rickhanlonii
React Core @facebook

@facebook EST. AKRON

Christoph Nakazawa cpojer
ceo. game developer. engineering manager. built jest, metro, yarn and mootools.

Nakazawa Tech Tokyo

Michael Jackson mjackson
Founder @remix-run, creator @unpkg. Thriller.

@Shopify Carlsbad, California

Fatih Acet fatihacet
ex co-f @superpeer (acq’d by @Skillshare), ex @GitLab


Wes Bos wesbos
I create courses that make learning things like JavaScript easy and fun 🔥

me Hamilton, Ontario

Alex Reardon alexreardon
Trying to create software that makes other people feel like rockstars
Fatih Kadir Akın f
JavaScript developer. Ruby lover. Author.

@teknasyon Istanbul, Turkey

Kent C. Dodds kentcdodds
Improving the world with quality software · Husband, Father, Latter-day Saint, Teacher, OSS · @remix-run · · EpicReact.Dev · Be Kind

@epicweb-dev Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

dan gaearon


Eli White elicwhite
React @facebook. Circus Enthusiast. Dessert Fanatic.

@facebook Redwood City, CA

Jordan Harband ljharb
software engineer/nerd/teacher/will try anything once; surgeon with git rebase. @tc39 ex @coinbase @airbnb @twitter @MobBase. Fav punctuation ⸮, scent petrichor

@herodevs @tc39 Hillsborough, CA

Ferran Negre ferrannp
Currently delivering React and React Native services all over the globe.


Cheng Lou chenglou
Work: ReactJS, ReasonML, ReScript, Messenger, Midjourney


Ian Jackson jacks205

@reddit Orange County, CA

Raúl Gómez Acuña rgommezz
React (Native) Expert with 8+ years crafting OSS, comercial and personal projects ⚛️ Knowledge sharer via workshops, talks and articles 🧑‍🏫


Felix Krause KrauseFx
Founder of ContextSDK Professional iOS Code Signing Issue Resolver - Developer of @fastlane (previously @google @twitter @Root-App)

Vienna, Austria

Ali Najafizadeh alinz
a Golang enthusiastic, creator of and toolchain.

Blockthrough Canada

Uğur Özyılmazel vigo
Computer programmer with over 30 years of experience who loves #golang #python #ruby and #bash.

@sipay-tr @vbyazilim @bilusteknoloji Istanbul, Turkey

Jordan Byron jordanbyron
Developer with a passion for doing good with code ⛰️ Mountain biker and girl dad

@ontra-ai New Haven, Connecticut

Alpcan Aydın alpcanaydin
Node.js and Javascript Developer at Atolye15

@atolye15 Izmir, Turkey

James Ide ide

@expo California

Alexey Kureev Kureev
React / React Native

Shuffle London

Janic Duplessis janicduplessis
Open source developer @AppAndFlow, @th3rdwave, React Native Core Contributor

@th3rdwave Montreal, Canada

Mike grabbou
Passionate about cross platform technologies. When not working, find me on a race track.

@callstack 🇵🇱 / 🇺🇸

Yusuf YILDIRIM yusufyildirim
Software Engineer

XITE Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Samuel Okoro SamuelOkoroShow
I love tech.

Software Engineer Lagos

Monte Thakkar Monte9
Software romantic 👾

Los Angeles, CA