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Retrospective 2

brayank edited this page Apr 20, 2016 · 9 revisions

Sprint 2 Retrospective

Sprint goal: Implement 8 user stories

  • US3: Share events (Social Networks, E-mail)
  1. US4: Edit my events
  2. US7: Demonstrate interest in an event
  3. US10: Add event pictures
  4. US11: Register as new user
  5. US20: User data should be secure
  6. US23: User interface should be simplistic
  7. US27: Implement Database (Firebase)

Number of stories planned versus implemented

  • We have implement 7 out the 8 user stories for Sprint 2

Sprint 2 Assigned to Evis:

  • US11 - Complete

Sprint 2 Assigned to Ian:

  • US27 - Complete
  • US7 - Complete
  • US10 - Comlete

Sprint 2 Assigned to Brayan:

  • US23 - In Progress

Sprint 2 Assigned to Gabriel

  • US11 - Complete
  • US23 - In Progress

Planned versus actual velocity

  • We were able to do more than we planned, therefore going forward we should be on track to complete the next user stories.

Written Summary

What should the team start doing?

    1. Getting directions on the map to an event
    1. Further linking the app to social media
    1. Further implement testing to detect bugs

What should the team stop doing?

The team will lessen the focus on the design of the app because the base of our UI is complete.

What should the team continue doing?

The team will continue collaborating on Slack and in group meeting in the overall planning of implementation of US.

Status of the evolution of the Product Backlog

Three user stories (US3, US4 and US7), were given MEDIUM priority. The remaining 5 user stories (US10, US11, US20, US23, US27) were all given HIGH priority.

###Burndown Chart (hours)

  • Evis: 10
  • Brayan: 8
  • Ian: 10
  • Gabriel 8

Statistics from Github








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