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Media Management Embed

Leon Gordin edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 1 revision

Embedding the Media Management UI into a web page

Step 1 - Obtain an authentication Token

Please go to our Authentication Wiki Page, where you can find detailed instructions on Authenticating with Bamboo and retrieving your authentication token.

Step 2 - Output the script

Include the following script on your page

<div id="widget" style="height: 900px;"></div>
<script>function pWidgetReady() {
        var widClass = new pWidgetClass();
        pWidget = {elementId: 'widget', widgetId: 'embed-mymedia', module: 'mymedia', token: '{yourToken}'};
        widClass.init(false, pWidget);
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>