In this app there are multiple libraries. In each library there are multiple librarians and books. So basically a member can borrow a book from the library only if he is a member.
Functionalities and assumptions:
Book is issued by the librarian and then has to be returned within a due date of 7 days. If at all he doesn't return the book on or before the due date he is going to pay the fine as assigned by the library standards. I have implemented the concept of #####post_save so that as soon the book is returned and the book is shown available for the upcoming booking members. A member can borrow only limited books from the library. To run this in your system:
Clone this repo in your system:
git clone
Get inside the repo, type this is terminal:
cd env Create a virtual environment inside the repo:
python3 -m venv .env After that activate the virtual environment by typing:
source .env/bin/activate Next step is to install all the dependencies into your virtual environment:
pip3 install Django==3.0.1 django-jsonfield==1.4.0 Next get into the project directory by typing:
python3 makemigrations python3 migrate Now to access the admin page before running the server create a superuser:
python3 createsuperuser fill the details : username: email: password: confirm password: After filling all these to run the project:
python3 runserver This is just the admin page functionality project.
I hope you understood the concepts.