- The VerusBox app can be downloaded in playstore for convenience for most android users. Those who don't have google play can get the latest builds directly from this repository.
- ✔️ Updated miner version verify selection list
- ✔️ Updated theme color
- ✔️ Mining improvements
- enabled extra-nonce(xnsub) by default
- better mining support for nicehash pool
- ✔️ Upgraded the Verus coin miner
- now supports the latest features of Verus - PBaaS and merge mining
- ✔️ Improved mining performance
- ✔️ Mining view improvements
- ✔️ Added wallet balance view
- ✔️ Added new mining pools
- ✔️ Secured monitoring connection - now using TLS/SSL certificates
- ✔️ Monitoring server re-connection improvements
- improved status send timing(requires VerusMiner v3.1.0)
- ✔️ Bug fixes
- fixed start monitoring bug during initial IP address setting for monitoring server
- ✔️ Improved monitoring status
- ✔️ Added VerusMiner banner
- ✔️ Some minor UI improvements
- ✔️ Added a monitoring server and a device manager in one for FREE
- The pain of managing multiple devices is now gone
- Miners can now be monitored all at once at the comfort of your seat.
- The device states can be monitored without any effort
- connection states
- temperature
- charging status
- acceptance rate
- mining hash and more
- Provided a set of triggers that allows you to remotely
- turn off
- pause
- update mining setting
- ✔️ Integrated verus staking pool notification
- ✔️ Official fix for old android mobile for freezing screen during mining
- ✔️ Fix for network errors on old android phones due to expired SSL certificates
- ✔️ Added ZERGPOOL server in the official mining pool list
- ✔️ UI Improvement/Fix
- Coin history graph Y label fix for wrong value
- ✔️ Hotfix for old android mobile for freezing screen
- ✔️ Fixed miner crash during stop
- ✔️ Fixed incorrect hash distribution for some pool
- ✔️ Fixed identity search
- ✔️ Fixed and improved coin and hash history graph for xcoord label
- ✔️ UI Improvement
- Improved hashrate display unit
- Button padding removed, set as bottom app button
- Some error messages update
- Improved app info popup
- Verifier tool form verify button de#date
- Device info mineable text status improved
- ✔️ Fixed pool server name
- Luckpool EU server name update.
- ✔️ Hash distribution screen label update
- ✔️ Added support for "i" address
- ✔️ Pool name prefix removed
- ✔️ Stratum index reorganized; set the default pool to verus pool server
- ✔️ Minor UI improvement for Verifier tool menu
- ✔️ Improved wallet validation
- Newly created wallet address will be allowed but with warning
- ✔️ Server swarm feature introduction
- ✔️ Integrated Verus Coin cloud pool mining
- Pool selection
- Setting scanner
- ✔️ Added device information in the tools menu
- ✔️ Some UI fixes and improvements