Operations pertaining to Car resource
In this document:
- URIs and some REST EndPoints
- Overview
- API Rest EndPoints documentation
- Exceptions and error handlers
- Build
- Deploy
Global URI: /api
- cars URI: /api/cars
EndPoints samples: To see all the REST EndPoints please check the swagger documentation
GET /cars
View a full list of available cars
This describes the resources that make up the cars REST API v1. If you have any problems or requests please contact pkakos1992@gmail.com.
All data is sent and received as JSON.
Summary Representations
The service use swagger to generate the documentation dynamically, please visit the next URI to have access to all the REST EndPoints: http://server:port/swagger-ui.html
HTTP Method | Path | Status Code | Desc. |
GET | /api/cars | 200 (OK) | Fetch all Car resources |
GET | /api/cars/{id} | 200 (OK) | One Car resource is fetched |
POST | /api/cars | 201 (Created) | One Car resource is created |
PUT | /api/cars/{id} | 200 (OK) | Car resource is updated |
DELETE | /api/cars/{id} | 204 (No Content) | Car resource is deleted |
Every exception or errors returned by the API are encapsulated in the object ApiError:
HttpStatus status;
LocalDateTime timestamp; format: "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"
String message;
String debugMessage;
List<ApiSubError> subErrors;
Every exception handler is defined in the class RestExceptionHandler that extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler and use the method buildResponseEntity to build the ResponseEntity with the HTTP status code and the ApiError object.
private ResponseEntity<Object> buildResponseEntity(ApiError apiError) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(apiError, apiError.getStatus());
HTTP return code 404
HTTP return code 400
TODO - the service is not using security at the moment. To be specified
To build the project artifact locally, you can type the following on a terminal
$ mvn package
The jar file generated is both executable and deployable into an external container.