Please refer to the install guides for OS X, Linux and Windows.
To install a specific plugin, run (in your app's directory):
$ hoodie install <name>
where <name>
is one of the Hoodie Plugin.
To uninstall use:
$ hoodie uninstall <name>
users (installed by default)
- user #
- user #
- password forget
- change username
- change password
email (installed by default)
- send multipart emails
In case you get npm permission errors, this is most likely down to the fact that you have prior used the 'sudo' command to install node modules.
sudo -H npm yourCommand
should fix this. For slightly more detail,
please check out: Why you shouldn't use sudo with npm
Make sure that local-tld got installed correctly
$ NODE_PATH=`npm root -g`
$ open $NODE_PATH/local-tld
Make sure that paths have been set correctly
$ echo $NODE_PATH
$ cat ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist
In some situations, you may need to manually update ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist
to correctly source your Node installation, particularly if you are using a Node version manager, such as nvm
Check the output of $ cat ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist
for the following:
<string>should equal the output of `$ which node`</string>
<string>should equal the output of `$ echo $NODE_PATH` + /local-tld/bin/local-tld-service</string>
If these values aren't correct, you'll need to open ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist
in a text editor and update the file with the aforementioned values.
If things do not work, try:
$ launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist
$ launchctl load -Fw ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ie.hood.local-tld-service.plist
If things STILL don't work, try that (but don't tell Jan) ((I saw this! — Jan))
$ sudo $NODE_PATH/local-tld/bin/local-tld-troubleshoot
If you find Hoodie interfering with your vhosts, here's a temporary workaround:
To get your vhosts back: $ sudo ipfw flush
To get local-tld back: $ npm install -g local-tld
To find out which state you're in: $ sudo ipfw list
If this includes something like "00100 fwd,5999 tcp from any to me dst-port 80 in", local-tld is currently running and might be blocking your vhosts.
You need a Nodejitsu account and the jitsu
tool installed.
Create a new hoodie app:
$ hoodie new myapp
Start app locally:
$ cd myapp
$ hoodie start
Create a database:
$ jitsu database create couch myapp
This prints out the URL for your database, something like:
Go to:
In the bottom right, click on "Fix This". Create a new user with the username admin
and a password of your choice. Remember the password.
Create the Nodejitsu app.
$ jitsu apps create
Set your database URL as an environment variable:
$ jitsu env set COUCH_URL
$ jitsu env set HOODIE_ADMIN_USER admin
$ jitsu env set HOODIE_ADMIN_PASS <yourpassword>
is the one you set up two steps ago.
$ jitsu deploy
(wait a minute)
Go to: