Workflow to test data transfer speeds to and from cloud buckets
Currently, the files here are not a true workflow, but a collection of scripts that will become the basis of a workflow. As such, installation of the files themselves is simply cloning this repo. However, there are dependencies on the various cloud service providers' (CSP) command line interface (CLI) toolsets for actually executing the data transfer and installing those tools is outlined here.
AWS CLI installation instructions provide the following example for installing without root priviledges:
# Create install directories you have write access to
mkdir -p $HOME/aws-cli
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
# Get the install files
curl "" -o ""
# Unzips to ./aws
unzip -u
# Install
./aws/install -i $HOME/aws-cli -b $HOME/bin
To authenticate, you need to provide typical AWS credentials, e.g. declare environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="..."
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="..."
or similar information in ~/.aws/credentials