1. /trigger_report endpoint that will trigger report generation from the data provided (stored in DB)
1. No input
2. Output - report_id (random string)
3. report_id will be used for polling the status of report completion
2. /get_report endpoint that will return the status of the report or the csv
1. Input - report_id
2. Output
- if report generation is not complete, return "Pending" as the output
- if report generation is complete, return “Complete” along with the CSV file
We have 3 sources of data
Have data about whether the store was active or not in a CSV.
The CSV has 3 columns (store_id, timestamp_utc, status
) where status is active or inactive.
All timestamps are in UTC -
We have the business hours of all the stores - schema of this data is
store_id, dayOfWeek(0=Monday, 6=Sunday), start_time_local, end_time_local
- These times are in the local time zone
- If data is missing for a store, assume it is open 24*7
Timezone for the stores - schema is
store_id, timezone_str
- If data is missing for a store, assume it is America/Chicago
A csv report that has the following schema
store_id, uptime_last_hour(in minutes), uptime_last_day(in hours), update_last_week(in hours), downtime_last_hour(in minutes), downtime_last_day(in hours), downtime_last_week(in hours)
- Uptime and downtime only include observations within business hours.
- Extrapolated uptime and downtime based on the periodic polls available, to the entire time interval.
- eg, business hours for a store are 9 AM to 12 PM on Monday
- only have 2 observations for this store on a particular date (Monday) in our data at 10:14 AM and 11:15 AM
- need to fill the entire business hours interval with uptime and downtime from these 2 observations based on basic interpolation logic
- eg, business hours for a store are 9 AM to 12 PM on Monday