Gmail adapter for Bamboo
Why not just use SMTP?
Starting in 2020, Google is deprecating the use of its Gmail API with SMTP usage. This adapter allows GSuite account holders to use Bamboo in light of this deprecation by using OAuth2 for authentication.
There are a few preconditions that must be met before this adapter can be used to send email:
- Admin access to a Google Workspace account (NOTE: your personal Gmail accounts WILL NOT WORK)
- Enable Gmail API GCP Console
- Implement server-side authorization using Service Account credentials
- Don't give any GCP roles for the service account.
- Add your Google Workspace email as a user, as servicer account Owner role.
- If you have other Domain aliases, add those alias users in, in "Send mail as"
- Grant the service account domain-wide authority
- first do here:, by clicking the service account, and going to Domain Wide Delegation
- Service account will create a related OAuth2.0 client id.
- Authorize API client with required scopes here:
- The scope that you need to add is:
The package can be installed by adding bamboo_gmail
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:bamboo_gmail, "~> 0.2.0"}
Some application settings must be configured. See the example section below.
Setting | Description | Required? |
adapter |
Bamboo adapter in use (Bamboo.GmailAdapter ). |
Yes |
sub |
Email address the service account is impersonating (address the email is sent from). If impersonation is not needed, then nil (it is likely needed). |
Yes |
sandbox |
Development mode that does not send email. Details of the API call are instead output to the elixir console. | No |
json |
Google auth crendentials must be provided in JSON format to the :goth app. These are generated in the Google Developers Console. |
Yes |
Secrets such as the service account sub, and the auth credentials should not be commited to version control.
Instead, pass in via environment variables using a tuple:
{:system, "SUB_ADDRESS"}
Or read in from a file:
"creds.json" |>!
config :app_name, GmailAdapterTestWeb.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.GmailAdapter,
sub: {:system, "SUB_ADDRESS"},
sandbox: false
# Google auth credentials must be provided to the `goth` app
config :goth, json: {:system, "GCP_CREDENTIALS"}
Docs can be found at
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