Portable neovim configuration configured for MacOS.
- asdf
- nodejs 13.11.0 (npm -g install neovim)
- ruby 2.7.0 (gem install neovim solargraph)
- python 3.7.5 (pip install neovim)
- nerd font installed (brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font) and configured
git clone http://github.com/parkwherever/vimrc.git ~/<path/to/repos>
cd ~/path/to/repos/vimrc
Now open vim and run :PlugInstall
- See init configuration file for initialisation setup.
- See basic configuration file for basic configuration.
- See advanced plugin configuration file for more convenience commands.
- See plugs for a list of installed plugins.
A list of commands that I find useful and that it is worth you being aware of.
NB: <leader>
is defined as , (comma).
: goes to normal mode from insert and terminal modes.<leader>sv
: Source the main vim configuration script.<leader>ev
: Edit the main vim configuration script.<leader>evb
: Edit the basic vim configuration script.<leader>eva
: Edit the advanced vim configuration script.<leader>evp
: Edit the plugin vim configuration script.<leader>v
: vertical split<alt>up/down/left/right
: moves to split in desired direction<ctrl>f
: opens fuzzy file search<leader>n
: toggles Nerdtree<leader>nf
: open current file in Nerdtree on left<leader>x
: Run tests nearest to the cursor in the current file.<leader>t
: Run tests in current file.<leader>r
: Run all tests in current project.<leader>e
: Run last invocation of tests (nearest, current file, all).<leader>l
: Switch to last ran test file.
See plugs for descriptions and live plugins I am using