SemNet is a semantic network of concepts generated by parsing natural language. The goal is to simulate a human intelligence model by interpretting text and forming logical connections between ideas.
The experiment requires the
Stanford CoreNLP library jar
and the model jar. A configuration file config.cfg
needs to be created in the
project's root of the following format:
jar-path: path/to/stanford-corenlp.jar
model-path: path/to/stanford-english-model.jar
output-dir: path/of/output/graph/dir
With the respective paths replaced with the locations of the downloaded jars and desired output directories.
Currently, the mapper operates by using Stanford's corenlp library to graph the dependencies within each sentence (identify subject, direct object, adjectival modifiers, etc.), then using the structures within the graph, extract and/or infer logical rules based on the text. Given a set of sentences about one topic, a reasonable logical model can be generated for that topic.
Concepts follow a hierarchy of specificity. Some concepts are more specific than
others, and the relationship between abstract and more concrete concepts is
captured. For example, Concept <plant> [tall]
is a child concept of
Concept <plant>
because they both refer to plants, except that the first one
only refers to tall plants, which is a subset of all plants.
parse("trees are tall plants")
=> Concept <tree>
Concept <plant> [tall]
parse("plants have green leaves")
=> Concept <tree>
Concept <plant> [tall]
Concept <leav> [green]
Concept <plant>
Concept <leav> [green]
Concept <leav>
Concept <green>