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Module for RIOT-OS to transfer sensor data from a board over a serial connection to the connected device
riotsensors consists of multiple modules which are shown in the following example hardware structure:
The sensor board from which the data should be retrieved is connected over a USB serial connection to a "fully functional" Linux computer, which is part of a network with possibly other other sensorboard-Linux-combinations and a central server. The server uses REST requests to the Linux computers to retrieve the data from the boards.
- What data can be transferred?
- Integer
- Doubles
- Strings
- How is the data transferred from the board to the Linux machine?
- The data is packet in binary packets which are sent via libspt. See the libspt documentation for more details.
See the project "riotsensors-example" for a usage example of riotsensors API for RIOT-OS.
Along with this project a Swagger documentation is provided which shows the REST operations available on HTTP and CoAP.
See the project "riotsensors-example" for a usage example of riotsensors in a RIOT-OS application and the build instructions.