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Releases: patrick-kidger/jaxtyping

jaxtyping v0.2.38

13 Feb 22:02
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  • Added support for pickling jaxtyping annotations. #295

Full Changelog: v0.2.37...v0.2.38

jaxtyping v0.2.37

27 Jan 12:05
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New features:

  • Added fp8 dtypes (Thanks @liudangyi! #251):

    • jaxtyping.Float8e4m3b11fnuz
    • jaxtyping.Float8e4m3fn
    • jaxtyping.Float8e4m3fnuz
    • jaxtyping.Float8e5m2
    • jaxtyping.Float8e5m2fnuz
  • Static type-checking compatibility when decorating dataclasses with @jaxtyped (Thanks @z4m0! #275, #278, #282)

  • Now pretty-printing error messages using the wadler_lindig library. In particular this means that PyTorch tensors etc. won't be printed out in their entirety, and will be summarised into just their shape and dtype. (#194, #284#286)

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Full Changelog: v0.2.36...v0.2.37

jaxtyping v0.2.36

18 Nov 17:07
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Fixed previous release that broke Python 3.9 compatibility! (Thanks @baluyotraf! #269, #270, #271)

See for the corresponding release notes.

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Full Changelog: v0.2.35...v0.2.36

jaxtyping v0.2.35

17 Nov 18:08
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  • Dropped dependency on typeguard==2.13.3. We now vendor our own copy of this. This means that jaxtyping now has zero dependencies. Note that more recent versions of typeguard do still seem to be a bit buggy in their handling of jaxtyping annotations, but we're now doing everything we can on this one :) (#199, #266)

  • jaxtyping no longer produces references cycles, which should improve performance in a edge cases, e.g. when decorating temporary local functions. (Thanks @ojw28! #258, #259, #260)

  • Improved compaibility with cloudpickle: this library has a minor bug that produced crashes in some edge cases used alongside jaxtyping -- we've now hopefully worked around such issues once and for all. (#261, #262)

  • Improved compatibility with poetry: this library has a bug in how it interpreters ~= version constraints in a nonstandard manner. We now use >= constraints instead. (Thanks @norpadon! #257)

  • Improved compatibility with mypy: now adding some extra typehints to help it infer the type of a jaxtyped-decorator function. (#254, #255)

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Full Changelog: v0.2.34...v0.2.35

jaxtyping v0.2.34

01 Sep 14:44
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  • Compatibility with ray -- this fixes crashes with the error message has no attribute 'index_variadic' (#198, #237)
  • Compatibility with Python 3.12: fixed deprecation warnings about ast.Str. (#236, thanks @phinate!)
  • Error message improvements + doc improvements (#233, #240, thanks @padix-key and @jjyyxx!)

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Full Changelog: v0.2.33...v0.2.34

jaxtyping v0.2.33

12 Jul 12:02
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  • Compatibility with Python 3.10 when using Any as the array type.
  • Compatibility with generic array types.
  • Array typevars now respect __constraints__

Full Changelog: v0.2.32...v0.2.33

jaxtyping v0.2.32

12 Jul 09:44
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  • The array type can now be either Any or a TypeVar. In both cases this means that anything is allowed at runtime. As usual, static type checkers will only look at the array part of an annotation, so that an annotation of the form Float[T, "foo bar"] (where T = TypeVar("T")) will be treated as just T by static type checkers. This allows for expressing array-type-polymorphism with static typechecking. Here's an example:

    import numpy as np
    import torch
    from typing import TypeVar
    TensorLike = TypeVar("TensorLike", np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)
    def stack_scalars(x: Float[TensorLike, ""], y: Float[TensorLike, ""]) -> Float[TensorLike, "2"]:
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
            return np.stack([x, y])
        elif isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(y, torch.Tensor):
            return torch.stack([x, y])
            raise ValueError("Invalid array types!")
  • Fixed a bug in which the very first argument to a function was erroneously reported as the one at fault for a typechecking error. This bug occurred when using default arguments.

Full Changelog: v0.2.31...v0.2.32

jaxtyping v0.2.31

25 Jun 18:34
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  • Now duck-type on array shapes and dtypes, so you can use jaxtyping for your custom arraylike objects:

     class FooDtype(jaxtyping.AbstractDtype):
     	dtypes = ["foo"]
     class MyArray:
     	def dtype(self):
     		return "foo"
     	def shape(self):
     		return (3, 1, 4)
     def f(x: FooDtype[MyArray, "3 1 4"]): ...
  • Improved compatibility when typeguard warns that you're typechecking a function without annotations: it will no longer mention the jaxtyping-internal check_params function and will instead mention the name of the function that is missing annotations.

  • Improved the error message when typechecking fails, to state the full some_module.SomeClass.some_method rather than just some_method.

  • Fixed a JAX deprecation warning for jax.tree_map. (Thanks @groszewn!)

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Full Changelog: v0.2.30...v0.2.31

jaxtyping v0.2.30

13 Jun 17:25
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  • Now reporting the correct source code line numbers when using the import hook. Makes debuggers useful again! #214
  • Now supports numpy structured dtypes (Thanks @alexfanqi! #211)
  • Now respecting typing.no_type_check. #216

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Full Changelog: v0.2.29...v0.2.30

jaxtyping v0.2.29

27 May 14:29
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  • Crash fix for when jax is available but jaxlib is not. (Thanks @ar0ck! #191)
  • Crash fix when used alongside old TensorFlow versions that don't support tensor.ndim (Thanks @dziulek! #193)
  • Crash fix when using a default argument as a symbolic dimension size. (Thanks @jaraujo98! #208)
  • Improved import times by defining the IPython magic lazily. (Thanks @superbobry! #201)
  • The import hook will now typecheck functions that do not have any annotations in the arguments or return value. This is useful for those that do manual isinstance checks in the body of teh function. (Thanks @nimashoghi! #205)
  • Dropped the dependency on numpy. This makes it possible to just use jaxtyping+typeguard as the one-stop-shop for all runtime typechecking, even when you're not using arrays. Obviously that's a little unusual -- not really the main focus of jaxtyping -- but helps when wanting a single choice of runtime type checker across an entire codebase, only parts of which may use arrays. (#212)

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Full Changelog: v0.2.28...v0.2.29