The Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree is built with leading technology companies, such as Facebook, MongoDB, Tableau, and Google to ensure mastery of the exact skills necessary to build a career in data science.
The following topics are covered in depth:
- Data Analysis
- Data Wrangling
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Data Visualization
Projects include organizing data, uncovering patterns, deriving insights, and clearly communicating critical findings.
- Aadhaar_Data-Query - Scritps to Query the Aadhaar Enrolment Data
- Best_Places_For_Dating-Analysis - Analysis on the best cities in the U.S. to find a spouse
- DBpedia-City_Data-Audit - Auditing DBpedia Auto data to give back to the Open Source Community
- DBpedia-Auto_Data-Audit - Auditing DBpedia City data to give back to the Open Source Community
- Diamond_Price-Analysis - Analyze which diamond features effect it's price.
- ERCOT-Analysis - Analyze energy data for the maximum, minimum, and average hourly energy loads.
- Facebook_Users-Explore - Explore Facebook User Data to see trends in behavior.
- Ford_GoBike-Analysis - Explore the Bike Share data to optimize the # model.
- Friends_Birthdays-Explore - Explore Friends birthday's to see who shares a birthday with me as well as the busiest months for friends birthdays.
- Major_League_Baseball-Analysis - Analyze baseball data to derive insights about MLB salaries.
- Marriage_Age-Explore - Explore the average age of marriage and how it differs across various countries.
- Music-APIs - Use internet music services API's to get music data.
- NYC_Subway_Ridership-Analysis - Analysis of how weather affects New York city subway ridership.
- NY_Times_API-Parse - Use the NY Times API to get the most popular articles.
- Numpy-Playground - Play with Numpy Library functionality.
- OpenStreetMap_Data-Wrangle - Contribute the open source project OpenStreetMaps by auditing data for the Boulder/Denver, CO area.
- Pandas-Playground - Play with the Pandas library functionality.
- Reddit_Data-Explore - Explore Reddit User Data to see the demographics of Reddit users.
- Research_Article-Parse - Parse a Reserch article to find the authors of a Medical paper.
- Single_Percentage-Analysis - Analyze the area features that correlate to single percentage for counties around the U.S.
- TownCharts-County_Data - Explore demographics of counties around the U.S.
- Transtats-API - Use the United States Transportation Buerau's API to get flight data.
- Udacity_Student_Data-Analysis - Analyze the student behaviors of Udacity students that pass their Nanodegrees versus the students that don't complete the Nanodegree.
- Weather_Data-Analysis - Analyze weather data in May to dervie insights.
- Managing Enironments - Anaconda documentation on how to setup a Pyhton 3 environment.