Undergraduate Student at "Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara"
Automation and Computers, Computer and Information Technology Branch
- Birthday: 19 August 2004
- Place: Cugir, Alba, Romania
- Main Email: paulhondola@gmail.com
- Phone Number: +40745166873
CORE-TX - Perception Module for CORE-TX Robotic Platform
- The perception module is an embedded system with an ARM microcontroller that manages robot sensors such as: temperature, humidity, LIDAR, SONAR.
SafetyMap - Android Native app in Java with a FireBase backend
- Ping safety alerts / warnings and complaints on map with in-radius notification for all users
FPGA - using a Xilinx Nexys 4 board and an OV7670 camera:
- Basic Image Processing and VGA Video Transmission System
- UART Video Transmission with OpenCV face detection
Arduino - using an Arduino UNO R4 Wifi board:
- Data Reading from Temperature and Humidity Sensors
- Data Retrieval using OpenWeather API Keys
- Data Output using an LCD Display or the on-board LED Dot Matrix
Custom C Libraries for Data Structures and Generic Sorting Algorithms