Welcome to SumUp Automation Challenge. Bellow there is a few important instructions to run this project.
First of all, you will need configure this requirements in your environment
- Windowns 10 - 64 bits
- Java 8 (https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html)
- Apache Maven 3.2.5 (https://maven.apache.org/)
- Firefox 64.0 64 bits
- Chrome 70+ 64 bits
It is really simple to run this project, just follow this steps:
- Install git in your computer.
After git was installed:
- Clone this project in your computer.
- after the project has been cloned, access the directory ./SumUpAutomation/sumupChallenge using your terminal.
- than, execute this command "mvn clean install". Now the project will be building and executed.
It is possible to execute the mvn command with additional parameters, like:
- host = This propertie will define the host where the application was deployed. By default it will always open in "https://me.sumup.com/"
- browser = It's possible to choose between two options: chrome or firefox. Chrome is defined by default.
- lang = It's possible to choose which language the browser will be run. If you don't define this propertie, the browser will run using English by default.
Also is possible to change the parameters used on the test. If you want to change the test parameters, you should have edit the file ./resources/testng.xml and change the values of tags.
How to run the project using the properties above:
mvn clean install -Dbrowser=chrome -Dlang="us" -Dhost='https://tst.sumup.com/'
After the tests were ran, you can see the results in: ./sumupChallenge/target/surefire-reports/html/index.html