Build the project and server the dist folder with a static file server
yarn build
cd dist
npx http-server
Open it in the browser and you will get the following error:
index-8Zvfj42v.js:35 Uncaught TypeError: yt is not a constructor
at index-8Zvfj42v.js:35:364
If you comment out the base property in the vite config and rebuild the project everything works
export default defineConfig({
//base: "./",
plugins: [react()],
My suspicion is that the shadowing of URL is caused by react-dnd
which react-arborist
depends on. The following file exports a property named URL:
export const FILE = '__NATIVE_FILE__'
export const URL = '__NATIVE_URL__'
export const TEXT = '__NATIVE_TEXT__'
export const HTML = '__NATIVE_HTML__'