This project is a dynamic restaurant management application designed to streamline the process of handling customer orders and table management. The system features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface where waitstaff can easily assign menu items to tables, track total orders, and generate bills.
Table Management:
- Displays all active tables with their current orders and total amounts.
- Tables can be searched and selected to view detailed order information.
Menu Management:
- A list of draggable menu items allows for quick assignment to tables.
- Menu items can be searched by name or course type.
Order Details:
- Each table’s order details are displayed in a modal pop-up.
- Servings can be edited, items can be deleted, and totals are automatically calculated.
Bill Generation:
- Easily close sessions and generate bills for tables.
- The total amount is reflected in the daily profit.
- Implemented in the search functionality to prevent excessive function calls while typing.
Drag and Drop:
- Menu items can be dragged and dropped onto tables for easy assignment.
Event Handling:
- Click, drag, and input events are efficiently managed to ensure responsive interactions.
Responsive Design:
- The application layout is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring usability across different screen sizes and devices.
- HTML5: For the basic structure and layout of the application.
- CSS3: For styling the application, including flexbox for layout and transitions for smooth interactions.
- JavaScript (ES6+): For adding interactivity, managing events, and dynamically updating the DOM.
On Increasing the servings the cost gets dynamically updated:
We can also delete any item and the cost gets dynamically updated:
After Customer enjoying the meal we can close that session and see ui changes in total cost of day:
Adding Items to table using drag and drop functionality:
Search Functionality for tables uses debouncing:
Search Functionality for dishes also uses debouncing:
- Searching with dish name: