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Paweł Kaczor edited this page Feb 2, 2016 · 4 revisions

Stress testing is easy thanks to wrk - modern HTTP benchmarking tool!


Stress test configuration is adjustable. There are a few configuration files:

  • test sessions - each file contains a test session that can be run using wrk. Test session contains a list of requests to be sent one by one from each thread.
  • buying session - represents a sample order process.
  • create-reserve-confirm - a test session consisting of 3 commands: CreateReservation, ReserveProduct and ConfirmReservation. Does not require invoicing and shipping subsystems to be running.

Please notice that you don't need to specify value of reservationId/orderId/invoiceId parameter as it will be generated automatically for each new run of the session. Notice also that it is possible to define delay parameter (in millis) for each request.

  • - you must run it at least once before executing the actual stress test. The script configures ngingx (needed to run the test from wrk) and executes warm-up test using given test session (buying-session.json is used by default) and using preconfigured settings (number of threads/connections, max number of sessions or test duration).

  • - actual stress test that executes given test session (create-reserve-confirm.json is used by default).

  • wrk-config.lua - stress test logic implemented in lua using wrk framework


You don't need to install and configure wrk and nginx by yourself. You can use a docker container built from this Dockerfile.

To start the container execute: The script will pull newion/wrk image and run ecommerce-test-bench container that will start interactive bash session. Now you can run warm-up and stress test from within the container by executing and scripts located under /mnt/stress-test respectively. Notice that ${DDD_LEAVEN_AKKA_HOME}/commons/stress-test folder on host system was mounted as a data volume /mnt/stress-test in the docker container (thus you can apply changes to test configuration without restarting the test bench (docker container))