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How to tune Spring Boot + HikariCP for the cloud - avoiding the common mistakes


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Less is more for the database connection pools in the cloud

Prashanth PB Belathur
Staff Solutions Architect, VMWare Pivotal


  • A well-behaved spring boot application running in a single-tenant host, when deployed in a multi-tenant host (cloud) degrades the performance of other applications on the same host.
  • The default Hikari Connection Pool configuration in your spring boot app is usually oversized and, a few of the properties are set to the upper limit. These properties need to be downsized for deployment in a multi-tenant host environment to minimize the noisy neighbor impacts.


Applicable for any spring boot application using HikariCP and deployed in the cloud (PCF, AWS, Azure etc.)

  • keep pool size under 10 connections per application instance.

  • always specify the idle timeout, the default 10s is usually high for quick response apps.

  • a sensible application instance scaling to keep the total database connections under 1000 across all the application instances to minimize the noisy neighbour impacts.

  • research your infrastructure imposed connection time limits and, then set the maximum lifetime and connection timeout appropriately.


A critical spring boot application for a major shipping company uses Oracle as the datastore. The database server also hosts databases for other unrelated applications. The critical application would behave and perform well when running in a VM, but when deployed in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), all the other applications in the same PCF org/space encountered severe performance degradation.

I outline the technique used to identify/analyze the cause for performance degradation and, fine-tune the spring boot application to minimize the noisy neighbor impact on other applications.


  • Micrometer to expose the metrics from the spring boot application
  • Prometheus to store and time-series aggregation of metric data
  • Grafana to visualize the aggregated metric data from Prometheus
  • Docker to run Prometheus and Grafana in containers.
  • JMeter for load tests

analysis toolchain


  1. Configure Actuator and Prometheus Registry in your Spring Boot 2.x app


    dependencies {
        implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
        implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
        implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus'
  2. GIT clone this repo []

  3. Replace LOCAL_MACHINE_IP with the actual IP address of the machine running Docker in spring-boot-performance-analysis/docker/prometheus.yml

    - job_name: 'performance-troubleshooter'
      scrape_interval: 5s
      metrics_path: '/actuator/prometheus'
        - targets: ['LOCAL_MACHINE_IP:PORT']
    • LOCAL_MACHINE_IP is NOT localhost OR as the prometheus and grafana is running as docker container.
    • PORT is the Spring Boot application port usually 8080
  4. Start Prometheus and Grafana on your computer: docker-compose up

  5. Verify Prometheus can communicate with your spring boot application

    • using a web browser access http://localhost:9090/targets
  6. Verify Grafana can communicate with Prometheus

    • using a web browser access http://localhost:3000
    • under the Recently viewed dashboards look for the entry Spring Boot 2.1 Statistics
    • click on Spring Boot 2.1 Statistics and look for Instance = LOCAL_MACHINE_IP:PORT specified in prometheus.yml
  7. Setup JMeter load test with REST API endpoint on your spring boot app with number-of-threads=240, ramp-up-period=30s and loop-count=25


  1. Start your Spring Boot application

  2. Start JMeter load test on your computer

  3. During the execution of the load test, access http://localhost:3000 --> HikariCP Statistics section in Spring Boot 2.1 Statistics dashboard


    • Connection Size is the total connections in DB connection pool (active + idle + pending).
    • Connections is the count of active+ idle + pending connections over a rolling time window.
    • Connection Usage Time is approximately equal to db query execution time.
    • Connection Acquire Time
    • Connection Creation Time


Situation active idle pending Notes
noisy neighbor 0 > maximumPoolSize / 2 and > minimumIdle 0 if this condition is observed under no-request scenario and after considerable time since the last request, then the spring boot app is a potential noisy neighbor, as idle connections are not returned to the pool and, they consume system resources on the database server which increase connection times, decrease throughput for other applications using the same database server.
sweet spot maximumPoolSize <=minimumIdle < 2 x maximumPoolSize best possible in terms of database performance, utilization and minimize chance for app to be a noisy neighbor.
inadequate connections maximumPoolSize <= minimumIdle >3 x maximumPoolSize if consistent spike is noticed in Connection Usage Time, then increase connection pool size in steps of 2 until you see performance improvement.
  • If Connections < active + idle + pending

    there is a potential memory leak in the spring boot application that needs further investigation using memory/thread dump analysis.


A spring boot application with a service taking 50ms to complete a database query using a single connection is used to provide insights in calculating the connection pool size, idle pool size and timeouts.

Connection Pool Size

  • spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size

  • 50ms/database query => 200 database queries/sec per connection

  • If pool size = 10 connections on a single app instance, then we can handle 200 X 10 = 2000 queries/sec per instance.

  • if we scale the apps instance to 20, we can handle 2000 x 20 = 40,000 queries/sec among 20 instances, by using 10 x 20 = 200 connections

    Keeping pool size <= 10 connections per app instance and sensible app instance scaling to keep the total db connections < 1000 across all app instances (especially for Oracle) results in minimizing the noisy neighbour impacts in PCF.

Idle Timeout

  • spring.datasource.hikari.idle-timeout

  • the 10s default is high for most applications; set this value slightly higher than the average database query time. so that the connections are reclaimed faster preventing too many idle connections in pool. (e.g. average database query time = 50ms, idle-timeout = 100ms)

Maximum lifetime

  • spring.datasource.hikari.max-lifetime

  • this should be set several seconds shorter than any database or infrastructure imposed connection time limit. The main idea here is the application needs to timeout before the infrastructure imposed connection time limit.

Connection Timeout

  • spring.datasource.hikari.connection-timeout

  • the 30s default might be high for time critical apps, hence set the value based on the time criticality of the app. With 5s-10s for time critical applications. Making this value too small will result in SQLExceptions flooding the logs.

Sample HikariCP Configuration

# maximum db connections in pool

# minimum number of idle connections maintained by HikariCP in a connection pool

# maximum idle time for connection
spring.datasource.hikari.idle-timeout=100  # 100ms

# maximum number of milliseconds that a client will wait for a connection from pool
spring.datasource.hikari.connection-timeout=10000 # 10s

# maximum lifetime in milliseconds of a connection in the pool after it is closed.
spring.datasource.hikari.max-lifetime=120000 # 2m


How to tune Spring Boot + HikariCP for the cloud - avoiding the common mistakes








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