Cross Platform C++/SFML Sorting Visualization
- Quick sort
- Bubble sort
- Insertion sort
- Selection sort
- Merge sort
- Radix sort
- ...?
- [1]: Quick sort
- [2]: Bubble sort
- [3]: Insertion sort
- [4]: Selection sort
- [5]: Merge sort
- [6]: Radix sort
- [R]: Shuffle Current Columns
- [G]: Generate New Columns
- [SPACE]: Start sorting
- Open
on any text editor - Locate
- Edit the value to whatever you like (numbers higher than 1000 may cause slow rendering)
- XCode (
- Brew (
- [OPTIONAL] Visual Studio Code & C++ Extentions (
- GCC, make, and other tools can be installed with
sudo apt install build-essential
- [OPTIONAL] Visual Studio Code & C++ Extentions (
- MSYS2 (
- MinGW C++ Compiler (Through MSYS2,
pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
) - Add MinGW to windows PATH environment variable (
- [OPTIONAL] Visual Studio Code & C++ Extentions (
Install CMake, to test if you have it installed simply type cmake --version
in your terminal.
- Download/Clone the project
- Open terminal and set the directory as the project folder
- Type
mkdir build
and press enter to create the build folder - Type
cd build
and press enter to access the build folder - Type
cmake ..
and press enter to link the files using cmake (cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles ..
for Windows) - Type
and press enter to compile & build to the/build
folder (mingw32-make.exe
for Windows) - Type
and press enter to run the program - Done!
For Windows: make sure the msys installation path is correct in CMakeLists.txt
For further help, information, and requirements visit the github of the project template I used:
This project uses the SFML library version 2.5.1. If you wish to update SFML you can download the latest version directly from the github ( and replace the "SFML-2.5.1" folder with that version
Skeleton project folder by lutrarutra
- Stop sorting mid-sorting
- N. of columns as user input
- More algorithms?