Install a fresh Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) image ( We suggest to create a virtual machine )
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install git-core -y
$ adduser ubuntu
$ visudo
add this line to the file below the root user
ubuntu ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
**OR use this if you dont want to type your password to sudo a command**
if /dev/pts/0 does not have read/write for your user
$ chmod 660 /dev/pts/0
Note that this number can change and if you can not connect to the screen session then the /dev/pts/# needs modding like above.
$ su ubuntu
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd reddwarf_lite-integration/scripts/
Run this to get the command list with a short description of each
$ ./redstack
$ ./redstack install
$ screen -x stack
If that command fails with the error
Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/1'
If that command fails with the error chmod the corresponding /dev/pts/#
$ chmod 660 /dev/pts/1
Allows the services to continue running in the background
ctrl+a then d
Add mysql as a parameter to set build and add the mysql guest image
$ ./redstack kick-start mysql
Optional commands if you did not run kick-start
$ ./redstack build
$ ./redstack initalize
$ ./redstack build-image mysql
$ ./redstack start
This sets of the authorization endpoint and gets a token for you
$ ./redstack rd-client
This sets of the authorization endpoint and gets a token for you
$ ./redstack nova-client
$ killall -9 screen
$ RECLONE=yes ./redstack install
$ ./redstack kick-start mysql
$ RECLONE=yes ./redstack install
$ ./redstack build
$ ./redstack initialize
$ ./redstack build-image mysql
$ ./redstack start