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You can try it here, login via Google account or create new user and password.
- Next.js – React framework for building performant apps with the best developer experience
- Auth.js – Handle user authentication with ease with providers like Google, Twitter, GitHub, etc.
- Prisma – Typescript-first ORM for Node.js
- React Email – Versatile email framework for efficient and flexible email development
- Vercel – Easily preview & deploy changes with git
- Mongo DB Atlas – A database platform for seamless, scalable data management
- Resend – A powerful email framework for streamlined email development together with
- SWR – React Hooks library for remote data fetching
- Axios – Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Server Actions - for server side data fetching
- Tanstack/react-query - for server/client side data fetching
- Tailwind CSS – Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development
- Shadcn/ui – Re-usable components built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS
- Tremor – A platform for creating charts
- - together with
- OpenAI API - for automated email notifications generated by AI
- Rossum - for invoice data parsing with AI
- More AI powered - daily summary of tasks and project (OpenAI integration) - in progress
- Email campaigns management - integration with MailChimp and Listmonk - in planning
Docker version - in planning (There will be complete bundle to run NextCRM on-premise)- Testing - Jest + Cypress (if anyone want to help I will be very happy) - in planning
- Fix all Types issue (no more "any") - in progress
- i18n - localization - in progress (if anyone want to help I will be very happy)
- Turborepo - in planning
Upgrade to Next.js 14 - in planning- Email client - in planning
We use + as primary email sender and email templates.
We use Tremor charts as a tool for creating charts in NextCRM
Youtube Channel
Invoice module (video)
Available soon at:
Show instructions
Clone the repository:
git clone cd nextcrm-app
Install the preset:
pnpm install
Copy the environment variables to .env
cp .env.example .env
cp .env.local.example .env.local
- You will need mongodb URI string for Prisma ORM
- NextAUTH - for auth
- uploadthings - for storing files
- rossum - for invoice data exporting
- openAI - for automatic Project management assistant
- SMPT and IMAP for emails
Init Prisma
pnpm prisma generate pnpm prisma db push
Import initial data from initial-data folder
pnpm prisma db seed
Run app on local
pnpm run dev
Show instructions
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed
Prepare .env and .env.local files
.env (for Prisma URI string) and .env.local (all others ENVs) file inside docker folder
build docker image
docker build -t nextcrm .
Run docker container
docker run -p 3000:3000 nextcrm
We are open to the NextCRM community contributions. Every contribution is welcome.
- Open an issue if you find a bug or have a suggestion for improvements.
Made with
Licensed under the MIT license.