OmniStack 11 from RocketSeat - Be The Hero Project
This is a project develped during the OmniStack Week 11.0. The intention is to learn and practice modern programming concepts and tools.
The project uses JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, React, ReactNative, Express, Nodemon, SQLite and much more.
This project is a web service + mobile app that helps people to contribute with ORGs by donations. Any ORG can access the website or app and register itself there. Then the ORG may post as many request as they want. The ORG request contains a description explaining the reason they need the donation and the donation value, plus the ORG information. An example would be: ORG: AnimalFriends Description: The street dog called Alexa was run over by a car and needs a surgery. Value: $100.00
People can then acces the website or app and see what donations requests were posted and also filter requests by ORGs. If someone feels sympathy towards a request and wish to donate, they can acces the request and make the donation.
Pedro Afonso - March/2020